Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Republican Zeit-Geist Revisited
I have a friend, he's a good friend... personable, bright, gracious and generous. We have dinner together, alone or with our respective families. We talk sport, art, science and occassionally politics. He's a Republican... I am not. Recently he has been emoting right and proper about all the successes this administration has had over the years and is becoming damn right vociferous even, one could say, shrill about it all. He has been sending me links to all the usual Right Wing RNC Talking Points regurgitators including, of all people, Howie Kurtz to prove his veracity and well read credentials. I have read a few, truth be told, but found the going a little tough, indigestible almost, too many unsubstantiated facts, hearsay, innuendo and obfuscation. Let's face it, armed with a good vocabulary, a few years incubation in an obscure conservative petri dish, a multimedia interface linked directly the WH Press Office and any totalitarian nut job can become a recognized pundit. There is no mystery to this game I'm afraid, the internet has seen to that. Because the dialogue was becoming so heated I have yet to respond to his last missive. He informed me, in no uncertain terms, that Valerie Plame and her husband engineered the entire Plamegate embroglio, from her sending "Ambassador" Wilson on his Niger expedition, to his rebuttal in the Times Op-Ed, to the fact that Wilson's report differed vastly to his Op-Ed piece, to the now direct correllation between the civil suit and the release of her book to the fact that there was no crime committed by this administration in the release of her name to the press etc, etc, etc. Now that's what I call a plan, the Wilson's may go down as the most consumate of grifters, devising a scheme so perfect in it's conception and execution that it takes your breath away. It's tentacles reaching in to the very depths of the Italian Secret Service, across continents, through the inboxes and outboxes of Parliaments and Administrations and finally into the State of The Nation Speech itself. Cunning, very cunning... funny how they haven't been charged with anything though, aint it? His next target was Iraq... where apparently the USA has acheived complete victory and I mean complete victory. Everyone has surrendered their arms and has gone back home to tend their flocks and fields. The Middle East has learned a valuable lesson about American might and will. Freedom and Liberty those bastions of Western Civilization have weilded their mighty swords and brought to an end the age of tyrrany. Who's writing this stuff anyway Hans Christian 'bloody' Andersen... the carnage is just effing unreal and unrelenting day after bloody day, what planet are some of these right wing dictocrats on anyway, certainly not the third one from the sun, here it's a complete mess, the Middle East is in complete turmoil with the threat of all out war between Israel and her disenfranchised neighbors all too real. Where is the logic? The smarts? The Policy, any Policy? We sent Condi, phew! Everything will be fine now... she'll tickle those ivories and give them that winning, confident smile and everything will stabilize, you watch... I did, it got worse and she is, quite frankly, the worst SoS this country has ever foisted on a poor, unsuspecting world. I could go on... I think I refered to this administration as a bunch of crooks and hoodlums who had carved off every good piece of meat left on the bones of this once proud country, that they had robbed the poor and the middle class and had always intended to do so, they like their workers starved and compliant. They will continue to deregulate in the middle of the night, they will pass laws that Congress has not had time to read, they will promote out of the box blithering idiots into positions that require experience, knowledge and forethought, they will hide behind a compliant SCOTUS and a 'wind-up' AG, they will continue to call all those who oppose them unpatriotic and friends to the terrorists and they will never, ever admit that they made any mistakes. And that, my dear reader, is just this week.
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