I've been reading a lot lately... books even, aint that quaint... I suppose it has distracted me from writing but sometimes the stuff out there is just so good it leaves me speechless. Billmon has been on fire lately and soothes my savage breast, Atta J. Turk makes me laugh and cry, he is a true American, he cares about his country more than most and remains unafraid and uncompromising. Professor Alterman has found a new, more appropriate home away from the compliant and conniving corporate Bush enablers of MSNBC, he is my blogfather in the sense that he woke me up to the mendacity, hubris and ignorance of this administration. Fear also has no home here, here or here. They are all remarkable in their persistance, relevance and reliability meaning, they actually fact check and research their material, which is not always the case with traditional media. DKos, MyDD and FDL have been a constant comfort for me the last few years, I just require honestly presented information, no BS and they provide that... I don't consider any of the above mentioned to be extreme, they may be construed as such by the traditional medias and by right wing froth mouths intent on polluting the world with misinformation and innuendo but, if you read a DKos or Atrios or Billmon on a regular basis you find wit, wisdom, insight and positivism... something we all need and should aspire to in these dark days. I have pretty much eschewed the main stream forms of information dissemination and rely, pretty much, on alternative media sources for objective, reliable news reporting. Is this 'modern' or just a reaction to 'conglomonewsspeak' irrelevance? Discuss... Art by Peter Bruegel (The Elder) Philosopher-Artist.