Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mah Gawd!
As mentioned by Atrios and Bill in Portland Maine this is truly histestacle. Is it morbid fascination, unhealthy curiosity or pereverse hypocricy? I'll let you be the judge dear reader...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tancredo, Tanschmedo!
He really is a paranoid, warmongering, blithering idiot. But you know, some people like that about him, it makes them feel safe that Mr. Tancredo is on the job, on the battlements, watching, waiting for the brown horde to finally show up at the gates of fortress america and demand our first born.
BillW sums it up best:
Pardon me for even entertaining the specious link he makes between illegal immigration and terrorism, but let’s walk down that crooked path just a little, ok? Not to say the threat of terrorism isn’t real or that we shouldn’t do anything about it, because of course we should, but we should have a rational, sensible policy based on the real threat, not an over-hyped perception of one. The fact is that even “if terrorists were able to pull off one attack per year on the scale of the 9/11 atrocity, … your risk of dying in a plausible terrorist attack is much lower than your risk of dying in a car accident, by walking across the street, by drowning, in a fire, by falling, or by being murdered.” Terrorists would have to pull off six 9/11s every year to equal the roughly 18,000 unnecessary deaths every year coming from the more than 40 million uninsured (pdf) in this country, and if there is a terrorist with the will and the capability to pull that off, there will never be a border fence that will stop them, and nothing could be more dangerous to this country than a paranoid politician whose brain is so ate up with Lou Dobb’s Disease that he’s willing to sell every other issue down the river in search of a cure.
BillW sums it up best:
Pardon me for even entertaining the specious link he makes between illegal immigration and terrorism, but let’s walk down that crooked path just a little, ok? Not to say the threat of terrorism isn’t real or that we shouldn’t do anything about it, because of course we should, but we should have a rational, sensible policy based on the real threat, not an over-hyped perception of one. The fact is that even “if terrorists were able to pull off one attack per year on the scale of the 9/11 atrocity, … your risk of dying in a plausible terrorist attack is much lower than your risk of dying in a car accident, by walking across the street, by drowning, in a fire, by falling, or by being murdered.” Terrorists would have to pull off six 9/11s every year to equal the roughly 18,000 unnecessary deaths every year coming from the more than 40 million uninsured (pdf) in this country, and if there is a terrorist with the will and the capability to pull that off, there will never be a border fence that will stop them, and nothing could be more dangerous to this country than a paranoid politician whose brain is so ate up with Lou Dobb’s Disease that he’s willing to sell every other issue down the river in search of a cure.
Fundamentalist Right Wing Blowhard (Huckabee) is catching Cultist Right Wing Vascillator (Romney) in the new Iowa polls. Now, as Josh Marshall points out, this is a potential disaster for the Romney campaign what with the amount of money, time and effort he and his boys have put into Iowa and New Hampshire. If Romney struggles out of the gate in Iowa his momentum going into NH is basically shot and he will have to spend another boat load of his own money to right the teetering ship.
How does this play out for the other candidates? Rudy has all but given up on Iowa and New Hampshire, McCain may salvage something if only his pride with a third place finish and Hollywood Fred, well, quite frankly, is beyond help.
I don't see this as good news for Rudy though, he really doesn't need a real live fundamentalist nutjob gaining momentum going in to the states where Rudy really needs to win and win big, it will only highlight his rather dubious - I'm being kind - credentials when it comes to that score.
How does this play out for the other candidates? Rudy has all but given up on Iowa and New Hampshire, McCain may salvage something if only his pride with a third place finish and Hollywood Fred, well, quite frankly, is beyond help.
I don't see this as good news for Rudy though, he really doesn't need a real live fundamentalist nutjob gaining momentum going in to the states where Rudy really needs to win and win big, it will only highlight his rather dubious - I'm being kind - credentials when it comes to that score.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
The Kerik-Rudy imbroglio continues to ripen like French cheese and as with all the really best cheese, it stinks. Stinks like the toilet seat in a Minnesota airport bathroom. If Rudy thinks the MSM will avert its starry-eyed gaze this time, he is wrong. It has all the elements they love, sex, sleaze and power but especially sex.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Kerik to be indicted by a grand jury today. Wonder if he will cop a plea and spill the beans? Probably, it's the only cache he has left.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Stranger Bedfellows
There must be some really weird cosmic allignment happening for these two buffoons to get into the political bed together.
Maybe it was the whole torture and sodomy of brown immigrants angle that appealed to Pat's gentle sensibilities. Rudy was just doing the work of the lord after all.
Now, what else happened to NYC on Rudy's watch?

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell blamed 911 on the Gays.
Maybe it was the whole torture and sodomy of brown immigrants angle that appealed to Pat's gentle sensibilities. Rudy was just doing the work of the lord after all.
Now, what else happened to NYC on Rudy's watch?

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell blamed 911 on the Gays.
GM lost more in one quarter, $39Billion, than it would cost to provide health care to 10 million children for 5 years, $35Billion.
GM will continue to produce gas guzzling behemoths that no one wants while children die from under insurance.
Capitalism can be messy...
GM will continue to produce gas guzzling behemoths that no one wants while children die from under insurance.
Capitalism can be messy...
Old Saw
Fiscal Conservatism died during the Reagan administration, so why do they still cling to the idea that they control the purse strings better than democrats? There are only a few remnants left of what it used to mean to be a Republican, they have to hang their beaten fedoras on something, anything to maintain the 24% they hold so dear.
I wouldn't like to be Boehner or McConnell right now, the 'boy king' is not well known for being a good loser.

photo - majorvols via flickr
I wouldn't like to be Boehner or McConnell right now, the 'boy king' is not well known for being a good loser.

photo - majorvols via flickr
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Gorgeous George
Ladies and Gentlemen we are proud to present the most unpopular president of all time, the one and only, your unfavorite and mine George 'W is for winner' Bush.
Meanwhile, Bush reached an unwelcome record. By 64%-31%, Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50% say they "strongly disapprove" of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48%, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974.
USA Today/Gallup, November 6, 2007
(h/t DKos)
Meanwhile, Bush reached an unwelcome record. By 64%-31%, Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50% say they "strongly disapprove" of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48%, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974.
USA Today/Gallup, November 6, 2007
(h/t DKos)
Oh Crap!
What our media, government and military fail to tell us...
At least 852 American military personnel have died in Iraq so far this year -- the highest annual toll since the war began in March 2003, according to AP figures.
NY Times, November 6, 2007.
Of course, the 'Surge' has been a huge success, in terms of breaking records for the most US soldiers killed in one year since this effing debacle started.
It is only early November!
At least 852 American military personnel have died in Iraq so far this year -- the highest annual toll since the war began in March 2003, according to AP figures.
NY Times, November 6, 2007.
Of course, the 'Surge' has been a huge success, in terms of breaking records for the most US soldiers killed in one year since this effing debacle started.
It is only early November!
He Really Is Demented
So, as long as America can be defined as successful and, as far as I can gleen from Rudy, that includes bombing the middle east back to the stone age, continued torturing of suspected terrorists or anyone unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and exploiting 911 as a personal triumph regardless of the fact that he lies through his teeth about the part he played in the aftermath (this is the extent of his platform) it's OK if our elected or appointed officials inhabit a world of nepotism, organized crime, embezzelment, tax evasion and other nefarious and criminal activities.
It kind of blows you away really... this is a man of questionable, if not inflated, talents running for president, and willing, with apparently no cost to his campaign politically, to defend a crook like Kerik.
What does this say about Rudy's character? What does it say about the kind of presidency the country would be in store for if Rudy were elected.
We already have a president who's knowledge and respect for the rule of law, however much he masks it behind insincere and mostly mendacious platitudes, is tantamount to unconstitutional as far as a sitting president vested with protecting the rights of Americans and Americas historic birthright could be defined.
And now, we have Rudy, dissembling to protect a man so tainted with the stench of scandal it's practically farcical and for what? To protect the only legacy Rudy has, his own fantasy of what a popular and successful 'mayor' he was.
It kind of blows you away really... this is a man of questionable, if not inflated, talents running for president, and willing, with apparently no cost to his campaign politically, to defend a crook like Kerik.
What does this say about Rudy's character? What does it say about the kind of presidency the country would be in store for if Rudy were elected.
We already have a president who's knowledge and respect for the rule of law, however much he masks it behind insincere and mostly mendacious platitudes, is tantamount to unconstitutional as far as a sitting president vested with protecting the rights of Americans and Americas historic birthright could be defined.
And now, we have Rudy, dissembling to protect a man so tainted with the stench of scandal it's practically farcical and for what? To protect the only legacy Rudy has, his own fantasy of what a popular and successful 'mayor' he was.
MSNBC Lurches Left
I don't think Rosie was quite what the blogosphere was expecting, personally I thought they should give Schuster a crack at it. However, the mere acknowledgement that a very large audience exists out there that does not want administration stenographers supplying their daily news fare, is quite staggering.
Will the other cable news providers follow suit - not Faux News of course - with their own left leaning anchors and commentators, it would be refreshing to think that the herd mentality of both the cable and network news channels is fracturing but, all the providers are demonstrably and perhaps permanantly entrenched in the DC culture and conventional wisdom of right wing ascendancy.
Even the republican debacle of '06 was quickly papered over by most news outlets even spun in some places as a defeat for Democrats... teh confusin'
Will the other cable news providers follow suit - not Faux News of course - with their own left leaning anchors and commentators, it would be refreshing to think that the herd mentality of both the cable and network news channels is fracturing but, all the providers are demonstrably and perhaps permanantly entrenched in the DC culture and conventional wisdom of right wing ascendancy.
Even the republican debacle of '06 was quickly papered over by most news outlets even spun in some places as a defeat for Democrats... teh confusin'
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