Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

A safe and happy new year to you... dear reader!

Now, Go Party Your Keester Off.

The Politics Of Me

Bloomberg, willing to squander millions, ponders an independent run for Preznit to stop all the partizan bickering in DC.

Now, don't get me wrong but, how would an independent canditate be able to bring about reconcilliation between the two main parties? I'm still trying to figure it out, maybe someone could help me here.

If the Democratic party sweeps the election, and all signs point to increased majorities for the Dems in both houses, the roadblocks designed to create stagnation by the Repugs will crumble and our government may, once again, function as the preeminent deliberative body in the world which makes a Bloomberg/Independent run moot.

In fact we will be faced with a very similar situation to the one we have today, a meglomanical, sociopathic corporate enabler at odds with the progressive path America is starting to favor.

Having seen compassionate conservatism in action over the last seven years, the last thing I need to witness is indifferent independence over the next four.

And lastly, do you think America is ready for a gay, jewish president? Now, I might be, along with the rest of the 'coastal elites' but the remainder of the country... not too much!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Oh! You're No Fun Anymore...

Depression being the better part of valor... I give you StarSailor

Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane...?

No, it's a news report out of Pakistan, they already have solved the case of who killed Bhutto.

Amazing police work guys... a full thorough investigation in only 24 hours, Fox must be screeming for the script, forget the writers strike this stuff practically writes itself.

First she was shot, then killed by shrapnel, then it was a massive head injury from diving back into the car to avoid the bullets and the shrapnel. We don't know what killed her but we do know who, guess who? The Taliban and Al Qaeda did it, in the parlor with a candle stick.

We are seriously expected to believe this drivel, after all it is being reported on CNN.

The Dimmer Twins II

Just a month or so ago Annapolis was the shining city on the hill where old differences could be set aside and the 'Road Map' could once again be taken out of the glove compartment and shown to those gathered around the proverbial fire.

The Israelites have other ideas... none of them have anything to do with road maps and the like.

We live at a moment in history when everything is just a clumsy photo-op.

The Dimmer Twins

Everything Cheney and Bush touch with their slippery, selfish fingers and profoundly questionable intellects turns to absolute crap within a year or so.

Pakistan is now the nuclear powered crucible of islamic extremism as the 'Dimmer Twins' policy of undermining, supporting, undermining and now ignoring Musharaff has succeeding in creating chaos where once there was hope.

Bin Laden was never really that bothered about Iraq, he saw it as an opportunity only after the US invaded and then gave only half hearted attention to it, never truly commiting his best people to the cause. The real prize, or rather his determination was to 1) stay alive, which meant complicity from the Pashtun tribes and Pakistans intelligence service, 2) rebuild the Taliban and Al Qaeda forces once the situation around him had stabilized and 3) wreak havoc in the most powerful muslim state in the region, Pakistan. Through intimidation, terror and ultimately US indifference he has managed to achieve all three.

He really is the big boogey man and through this administrations incompetence and arrogance has reestablished himself as such. We have given billions and billions of dollars to Pakistan, most of which remains undocumented, to fight the Taliban and Al Qaeda forces entrenched in the Hindu Kush with what results? The Taliban has not gone away and if anything seems to be controlling large swathes of the country side and some major towns and cities and Al Qaeda, with Pakistani military help no doubt, can operate freely in Rawalpindi, of all places, and assassinate potential heads of state. It is mind blowing.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Benazir Bhutto assassinated, it's official...

There is so much blood on so many peoples hands.

Big Trouble

If the early reports are accurate and that is not always the case, then the death of Bhutto could spell big trouble for Pakistan and Musharraf. He has kept the lid on as best he could for quite a while but this is the kind of trigger that could blow the whole powder keg that is a fracturing Pakistan.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Bloody Vikings II

Its simplicity is its charm...

A Contrary State

As state sponsored killing loses it's luster in most civilized societies and US States for that matter, Texas keeps on killing its problems unabated.

There appears to be an awful lot of violent crime in Texas, seems the death penalty ain't much of a deterrent, so why keep killing people?

Closure! That old chestnut...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


As we approach the pagan festival of Christmas, I present rare 'Tull.

Yup... Back In The Saddle!

Sorry about that dear reader, got rather busy here for a while and had neither the time nor inclination to blog on the myriad and continued atrocities this administration has foisted upon this great nation of ours.

Today we have the news that high ranking White House officials debated the CIA torture tapes and what to do with them. Now it is not for me to say but if high ranking officials are debating the merits of destroying or keeping the tapes, wouldn't their masters be aware of said debate?

Let's look at the playa's... Gonzalez (Crikey! Can this man get in any more shit scrapes), Harriet 'Sweet Harriet' Miers, John Bellinger and David Addington (Darth's counsel). Now, you're telling me these guys and gals were acting independently?

Just one more question... when do we get our country back?

Friday, December 07, 2007

Stuck In A Moment...

'Don't say that later will be better...'

The Jeebus

The cat-fight over possession of the religious right continues unabated, this time in the form of Twitt Romney's pandering, factually inaccurate and terminally stupid 'JFK Moment' speech to the converted at Bush I's 'library'.

I think the Times sums it up objectively although other commentors have broached subjects the Times omits.

The republican nabobs are now stuck with a self imposed means test for their prospective election to high office, that, in and of itself, is as far removed from the Founding Father's vision of the evolution of the States as one can get and yet this defacto imbuing of the Founders with revisionist 'Christian' intent goes, mostly, unchallenged in the traditional media.

For me, Professor Cole nails it...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Just Say... Oh! Alright

The Abstinance Only program, coined, contrived and consummated by this barmy administration, was always doomed to failure. It basically dumbed down a generation and attempted to turned back the clock to a time that never really existed, a Mayberry myth of mostly white, christian teenagers saving themselves for that perfect match. A prom king/queen political tool for bringing Protestant Christian values in to the classroom and into mainstream thinking. Policy as propaganda.

That we are seeing a reversal of the historical downward trend of teen pregnancy rates for the first time since 1991 is evidence enough that we are governed by clueless, incompetent idealogues who's first action is always to dismiss what works and replace it with something so intentionally unreasoned, untested and diabolically stupid that, given an incredible amount of luck and the blessings of the 24%, never, in all reality, had a hope in hell of succeeding.

The Times, in it's never ending attempt at balance, quotes Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation - that Temple of Reasoned Thought - who guillessly responds to the new data thusly;

Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, said that blaming abstinence-only programs was “stupid.”

He then goes on to blame the kids but, god forbid, not the program.

This country really needs to get the god and jesus thing under control, it's really beginning to define us as collectively... silly!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Spin Drift...

Coming from the "We're not always right but, we're never wrong" school of obfuscation we have Hadley and Bolton quoted in this NYT piece on the political fall-out from the new NIE.

Why does the Times, and any other media 'institution' for that matter, continue to quote Bolton in any of their articles. The man is a serial liar who has been catastrophically wrong about almost everything he has ever predicted. He also maintains the tact of a car crash and the delivery of a psychopath.

That the Times balanced Bolton with Chuck Hagel is evidence, once more, that our supposed 'liberal' media is incapable of providing balance to or even understanding that which it most cravenly seeks as it's audience, the mythical center. Chuck may be a good old fashioned Republican and in the case of this administrations penchant for bombing the fuck out of any real or imagined foes, has put up a fairly decent rear-guard action and has been a check on the most xenophobic, militaristic tendencies of his own party. However, he is still a Republican and represents a state (Nebraska) that is as red as they come. Are his views on foreign policy moderation anywhere near a true anti-war advocate (visionary), like a Russ Feingold? Absolutely not...!

I still love the Times, it is the paper of record, it's editorial page is by far the best in the country but their reporting method has not caught up with the groundswell roiling the conventional wisdom and the populaces demands for honesty, openess and integrity in its branches of government and in its fourth estate.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Oops Apocalypse

I think it likely that the intelligence community learned it's lesson from the Iraq debacle and got it's best people on to this one.

This has got to make the Republican front runners who have, for the most part, joined the Cheney 'dark-side' of just making shit up and then going out and bombing people , look pretty stupid.

But that is by no means a bad thing for Republican voters, they are an ilk that slavishly relies on misinformation, fearmongering and war at whatever cost. So Rudy and Mitt and McCains dogged, almost morbid, fascination with Americas military might will ultimately cost them nothing at the polls, no matter what the evidence suggests.

We were hearing, from this administration or it's proxy's, just a few months ago that Iran was perhaps only a few years away from the bomb and escalating the process, turns out, they suspended the project in 2003 when the UN was saying they were perhaps 10 years from getting the bomb.

So, who made up the 8 year difference and what was that based upon? Apparently our intelligence community was not involved in the expedited predictions. Which leads to one conclusion, not only did the 'stupidest person on the fucking planet' work in the White House but he was replaced by the 'second stupidest person on the fucking planet...'

Now, who is that masked man?