Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tom Reynolds just has too much. What with the Foley Scandal and now the NRCC debacle, Tom saw the writing on the wall... another GOPer retiree, last one out please turn off the lights.
NY-26 is now in play for Dems, go visit Jon Powers site, he's a war vet, labor darling and all around good egg.
NY-26 is now in play for Dems, go visit Jon Powers site, he's a war vet, labor darling and all around good egg.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's The Stupid... Stupid II
Sen. John McCain, traveling in the Middle East to promote his foreign policy expertise, misidentified in remarks Tuesday which broad category of Iraqi extremists are allegedly receiving support from Iran.
He said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda...
McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back."
Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."
Those extremists are most likely Badr Corps and Mahdi Army militia members, both of these militias have representatives sitting in the Iraqi parliament indeed, in the Iraqi cabinet itself and Mr. Maliki himself owes SCIRI (Badr Corps) his position as Prime Minister.
Now, Mr. McSame, who are the bad guys exactly? And how does Iran figure into the equation? That's right, we handed them the country and they are damned sure going to defend their new found territory. Especially against the 80,000 Sunni's we just bought and paid for with guns and tax payer money.
It's going to be bloody...
He said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda...
McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back."
Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."
Those extremists are most likely Badr Corps and Mahdi Army militia members, both of these militias have representatives sitting in the Iraqi parliament indeed, in the Iraqi cabinet itself and Mr. Maliki himself owes SCIRI (Badr Corps) his position as Prime Minister.
Now, Mr. McSame, who are the bad guys exactly? And how does Iran figure into the equation? That's right, we handed them the country and they are damned sure going to defend their new found territory. Especially against the 80,000 Sunni's we just bought and paid for with guns and tax payer money.
It's going to be bloody...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It's Been A Long Time...
It's called being an adult, and the divide between Barack Obama and the rest of the field just got a whole lot wider.
McCain is probably wondering where Obama got this speech from, maybe the Iranians, now, is Obama a Sunni or a Shiite? McCain? He wouldn't know!
McCain is probably wondering where Obama got this speech from, maybe the Iranians, now, is Obama a Sunni or a Shiite? McCain? He wouldn't know!
As noted by DKos, this will be trivialized by the 'serious' people as a mere slip of the tongue:
Sen. John McCain, traveling in the Middle East to promote his foreign policy expertise, misidentified in remarks Tuesday which broad category of Iraqi extremists are allegedly receiving support from Iran.
He said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda...
McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back."
Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."
But, and it's not a big but, what if he was deliberately applying this inference to muddy the waters, fool just enough people, those who may only hear or read the first part of this pathetic attempt to re-demonize Iran? It has been a ploy we have seen from the right on numerous occassions, throw something out there, get the sound bite, retract late on a Friday afternoon. The harm has been done. 25% of the idiots on the right, the 'base', imbibe the koolaid and will forever associate Al Qaeda with Iran, even when that proposition is anethema to both parties.
Sen. John McCain, traveling in the Middle East to promote his foreign policy expertise, misidentified in remarks Tuesday which broad category of Iraqi extremists are allegedly receiving support from Iran.
He said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda...
McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back."
Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."
But, and it's not a big but, what if he was deliberately applying this inference to muddy the waters, fool just enough people, those who may only hear or read the first part of this pathetic attempt to re-demonize Iran? It has been a ploy we have seen from the right on numerous occassions, throw something out there, get the sound bite, retract late on a Friday afternoon. The harm has been done. 25% of the idiots on the right, the 'base', imbibe the koolaid and will forever associate Al Qaeda with Iran, even when that proposition is anethema to both parties.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
It's The Stupid... Stupid
However 'temporary' this latest economic manifestation is, it speaks volumes about BubbleBoy and his Gentleman C of an MBA. The Eurozone has caught and passed us in GDP per capita. It's amazing what a non-tax-payer-funded war, tax cuts for the rich and an deregulated financial industry can do for ones economy.
Of course, for the 'serious' people out there, we have been undergoing a sustained period of economic growth unparalleled in American history... riiiiight!
As economic miracles go, I would say this one could have been pulled off by a two bit magician in a very average vaudeville touring show.
Still, the dollar is now on a par with the Albania 'Lek', so there is always hope!
Of course, for the 'serious' people out there, we have been undergoing a sustained period of economic growth unparalleled in American history... riiiiight!
As economic miracles go, I would say this one could have been pulled off by a two bit magician in a very average vaudeville touring show.
Still, the dollar is now on a par with the Albania 'Lek', so there is always hope!
Friday, March 14, 2008
It's Called Backbone...
... and a lot of Democrats appear to have found one!
Good for you House Dems, now, if only the, self styled, greatest deliberative body in the world -the Senate - could, likewise, wipe the fear from their sweating brows and stand up to this recidivist administration we may have a Congress of the United States that actually works for the people of the United States rather than as a rubber stamp for the worst president in American history.
Watch those congressional approval numbers go up... we wanted you to fight them not continually capitulate your responsibilities.
Good for you House Dems, now, if only the, self styled, greatest deliberative body in the world -the Senate - could, likewise, wipe the fear from their sweating brows and stand up to this recidivist administration we may have a Congress of the United States that actually works for the people of the United States rather than as a rubber stamp for the worst president in American history.
Watch those congressional approval numbers go up... we wanted you to fight them not continually capitulate your responsibilities.
Dead Enders
It's getting to the point that I'm not sure who to trust anymore! Seriously, considering the rhetoric coming out of the mouths of this administration and its apologists you'd be right in thinking that we were on the verge of this huge victory over the forces of evil and if we just stuck it out another few months or until St. McCain was elected (Or installed), the cunning genius of our successful plan could finally be revealed.
Well... Not so much.
The military is, once again, at odds with their civilian overlords and seem somewhat reticent to tell the huge glaring lies this administration and its apologists are so fond of.
"The militants are weakened, battered, perhaps even desperate, by most U.S. accounts. But far from being ''routed,'' as Defense Secretary Robert Gates claimed last month, they're still there, still deadly active and likely to remain far into the future, military and other officials told The Associated Press."
Why does our military hate America?
Well... Not so much.
The military is, once again, at odds with their civilian overlords and seem somewhat reticent to tell the huge glaring lies this administration and its apologists are so fond of.
"The militants are weakened, battered, perhaps even desperate, by most U.S. accounts. But far from being ''routed,'' as Defense Secretary Robert Gates claimed last month, they're still there, still deadly active and likely to remain far into the future, military and other officials told The Associated Press."
Why does our military hate America?
Trust Us...
Stealing the money destined to help Republicans take back the House is a form of poetic justice too sublime to contemplate.
Thank you Mr. Ward, you are a true patriot.
Go on... guess who else he worked for?
From the Times:
"Mr. Ward was named treasurer of the national Republican committee in 2003 after serving for several years as an assistant treasurer. He had also been a partner in a political consulting firm, Political Compliance Services, that worked in 2004 on behalf of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group behind advertisements attacking the military record of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic presidential nominee."
The republican party, doing only what it knows best, lying and stealing.
Thank you Mr. Ward, you are a true patriot.
Go on... guess who else he worked for?
From the Times:
"Mr. Ward was named treasurer of the national Republican committee in 2003 after serving for several years as an assistant treasurer. He had also been a partner in a political consulting firm, Political Compliance Services, that worked in 2004 on behalf of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group behind advertisements attacking the military record of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic presidential nominee."
The republican party, doing only what it knows best, lying and stealing.
Trouble In Surge Land
The General paints a very different picture of Iraq than the officially sanctioned, MSM, O'Hanlon, wingnuttia version. Must be his 'Blue Period' or some such.
Of course it all ends very upbeat...
Of course it all ends very upbeat...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Our Robust Economy
Retail Sales fell by a whopping 1.1% in February, the largest drop in five years. The Fed pumping $200 billion in to the lending market is really like throwing a pebble into the ocean when you consider the US economy is a $9 trillion behemoth. Which makes yesterdays 400 point rally on Wall Street seem... silly!
(h/t) Atrios, he keeps an eye on these things.
(h/t) Atrios, he keeps an eye on these things.
Red Admiral
The more significant resignation of the week was that of Admiral Fallon. His star began to wane in White House circles as soon as he began to add a little realism to the middle east mix and therefore came into direct conflict with the pie in the sky usually consumed in our corridors of ineptitude.
Just another unpatriotic, unAmerican, hate America first military leader to have his ass canned by those brave fighting men ensconced at 16oo Pennsylvania Avenue.
Just another unpatriotic, unAmerican, hate America first military leader to have his ass canned by those brave fighting men ensconced at 16oo Pennsylvania Avenue.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
FISA Fight Back
The Dems are showing some backbone and some canniness, in the House at least, with regard to the Protect AT&T Act currently slushing around congress.
The question of retroactive amnesty has always been a straw-man, it is really retroactive immunity for this law breaking administration who's wreckless abandonment of updated FISA laws forced the Telco's, perhaps unwittingly, to break the law. However, QWest's legal reading of the administrations requests sets a precedent, they deemed the requested actions illegal, so why did AT&T, Verizon and Sprints legal departments come to a different conclusion? They probably didn't but were promised, probably by Cheney, that some kind of immunity deal could be worked out later.
(h/t) Daily Kos
The question of retroactive amnesty has always been a straw-man, it is really retroactive immunity for this law breaking administration who's wreckless abandonment of updated FISA laws forced the Telco's, perhaps unwittingly, to break the law. However, QWest's legal reading of the administrations requests sets a precedent, they deemed the requested actions illegal, so why did AT&T, Verizon and Sprints legal departments come to a different conclusion? They probably didn't but were promised, probably by Cheney, that some kind of immunity deal could be worked out later.
(h/t) Daily Kos
Outstanding Issues
The wingnuts and their puppetmasters within the administration, and yes even McSame, keep on telling us that the reasons for going to war in Iraq are now moot, old arguments, inconsequential to the fight with Al Qaeda we are currently embroiled in.
But there are a lot of troops in Iraq and a large portion of the population here in the States who firmly believe that we went into Iraq to fight the same people who flew planes in to the world trade center on 9/11 and that Saddam Hussein had assisted in or bankrolled or perhaps even helped plan the dastardly deed.
He, of course, did nothing of the sort and now an exhaustive report, based on 600,000 pieces of information captured after the fall of Saddam and created by the Pentagon (those commies) solidifies and memorializes these facts.
There was no operational ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, none, repeat, none.
There was no 'Al Qaeda in Iraq' until 2004, one year after the invasion...!
You know... at least Rumsfeld had some shred of dignity left and managed to bring his disgraced tenure to an end through humiliating resignation. Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz? All still stinking up the place.
(h/t) Attaturk - DFH
But there are a lot of troops in Iraq and a large portion of the population here in the States who firmly believe that we went into Iraq to fight the same people who flew planes in to the world trade center on 9/11 and that Saddam Hussein had assisted in or bankrolled or perhaps even helped plan the dastardly deed.
He, of course, did nothing of the sort and now an exhaustive report, based on 600,000 pieces of information captured after the fall of Saddam and created by the Pentagon (those commies) solidifies and memorializes these facts.
There was no operational ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, none, repeat, none.
There was no 'Al Qaeda in Iraq' until 2004, one year after the invasion...!
You know... at least Rumsfeld had some shred of dignity left and managed to bring his disgraced tenure to an end through humiliating resignation. Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz? All still stinking up the place.
(h/t) Attaturk - DFH
Taking It A Little Too Hard
Don Esmonde, a man who's feathers are perpetually ruffled, of the Buffalo News takes Spitzer fall from grace pretty hard. I have no idea why anyone would appear to have invested so much blind faith in a politician. He seems to take it too much like a personal affront, maybe he's enjoying his own self righteous indignity. It wouldn't surprise me, I've always thought of Esmonde as a concern troll anyway.
His 'the end of the world' rhetoric does not take into account that the Lt. Governor is a good man and may well champion a lot of the causes Spitzer had initiated.
These people have deadlines, I suppose they have to write something, but he could have waited for the initial shock to subside and given us something a little more even handed and less quixotic.
His 'the end of the world' rhetoric does not take into account that the Lt. Governor is a good man and may well champion a lot of the causes Spitzer had initiated.
These people have deadlines, I suppose they have to write something, but he could have waited for the initial shock to subside and given us something a little more even handed and less quixotic.
Bernanke Goes Long
The Fed throws a whole new load of cash at the credit crisis and Wall St., predictably, smells blood in the water and starts feeding on itself.
It's all very lemminglike really...
It's all very lemminglike really...
Another eight young men slaughtered on the streets of Iraq. Of course, one of the arguments, the right is so fond of, is that about the same amount of young people die on the streets of America on any given day. It's a blood curdlingly gruesome and false comparison and always neglects their whole-hearted 2nd Amendment protectionism that promotes the very gun culture that leads to the plethora of violent crimes in our society but that is an argument for another day.
Now, let's look at civilian deaths over the last six years in Iraq, the low end calculation for civilian deaths, the one this administration haplessly utilizes to hide the horrors thrust upon that nation by our occupation, is 160,000 which represents around 1% of the Iraqi population, 1% of the US population is around 3.15 million, divided over six years that would amount to 500,000 violent deaths a year.
Now, let's take the high number which is touted by that august publication the Lancet, a publication by the way that all previous administrations relied upon to report the atrocities of other nations conflicts but this one cannot bring itself to sanction, calculates a possible civilian death toll of 1.2 million or 5% of the Iraqi population. That would equate to 15.75 million violent crimes over the same six year period or 2.62 million deaths a year in the US.
The streets of America are absolutely nothing like the streets of Iraq... period.
Now, let's look at civilian deaths over the last six years in Iraq, the low end calculation for civilian deaths, the one this administration haplessly utilizes to hide the horrors thrust upon that nation by our occupation, is 160,000 which represents around 1% of the Iraqi population, 1% of the US population is around 3.15 million, divided over six years that would amount to 500,000 violent deaths a year.
Now, let's take the high number which is touted by that august publication the Lancet, a publication by the way that all previous administrations relied upon to report the atrocities of other nations conflicts but this one cannot bring itself to sanction, calculates a possible civilian death toll of 1.2 million or 5% of the Iraqi population. That would equate to 15.75 million violent crimes over the same six year period or 2.62 million deaths a year in the US.
The streets of America are absolutely nothing like the streets of Iraq... period.
The Gov. Is Dead, Long Live The Gov.
Paterson appears to be a competent replacement for Client #9. I wish him the best. He has a good relationship with Mayor Brown and seems to have been a bridge builder rather than a crusading angel.
I hope he keeps the pressure on Albany... about the only good thing to come out of the brief Spitzer administration was his relentless pursuit of that jackass Bruno and his obstructionist cronies.
I hope he keeps the pressure on Albany... about the only good thing to come out of the brief Spitzer administration was his relentless pursuit of that jackass Bruno and his obstructionist cronies.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Just Wow...!
I guess he has to go... I was never a big Spitzer fan, people who throw so many stones usually have something to hide (see 9ui11iani) but this is quite shocking.
Obama - Rezko
For those poor saps still laboring under the delusion that Obama somehow profitted from a land deal he did with Tony Rezko, the facts are startlingly banal.
It appears that Obama bought his home for $300,000.00 less than the original asking price, his agent and the owners agent negotiated the deal, they wanted a quick sale and, although they had received another offer the Obama's offer was accepted. The price was the same as the owners had originally paid for the property.
Rezko purchased the adjacent vacant property the same day, this property had been part of the original parcel but the owner had subdivided and insisted on closing the two deals on the same day.
Obama later purchased a strip of the adjacent property - owned by Rezko - and may have overpaid for that parcel of land but not by much.
In the linked interview Obama rues the appearance of impropriety of that land purchase but the purchase of his own home is beyond reproach, it had little or nothing to do with Rezko.
The whole thing is probably indicative only of a thousand or so such deals transacted everyday in America.
What a scandal!
It appears that Obama bought his home for $300,000.00 less than the original asking price, his agent and the owners agent negotiated the deal, they wanted a quick sale and, although they had received another offer the Obama's offer was accepted. The price was the same as the owners had originally paid for the property.
Rezko purchased the adjacent vacant property the same day, this property had been part of the original parcel but the owner had subdivided and insisted on closing the two deals on the same day.
Obama later purchased a strip of the adjacent property - owned by Rezko - and may have overpaid for that parcel of land but not by much.
In the linked interview Obama rues the appearance of impropriety of that land purchase but the purchase of his own home is beyond reproach, it had little or nothing to do with Rezko.
The whole thing is probably indicative only of a thousand or so such deals transacted everyday in America.
What a scandal!
That Surge Thang
Not that this will get much play in the Main Stream Media (I doubt Faux News will spend anymore that a minute on it) but, the surge appears to be unravelling before our very lying eyes.
This attack happened in supposedly subdued Baghdad...
This attack happened in supposedly subdued Baghdad...
Illinois - 14
The Republican congressional district of IL-14, former Speaker of the House Denny Hasterts seat of power for 21 years and a comfortable 56% supporter of Bush in '04 falls into Democratic hands. Nice job Mr. Foster!
The major issues for the constituents of IL-14, the war in Iraq - they hate it - SCHIP - they are appalled at Republican intransigence and BubbleBoys repeated vetos - the economy - what the hell is going on? And, Obama - they like him and they liked that he showed his support for Mr. Foster.
Basically, old school republicans are rejecting the fallacies of neocon Bush rule. It was bound to happen, if we look at the last seven turgid years of Bush rule and the, almost, 14 years of uninterrupted republican control of congress as a petry dish for conservative 'values' we see the markers for an administration and deliberative body consumed by power, corruption, ineptitude, denial and idiocy.
From the disgrace of the Clinton witch-hunt of the nineties, the failures of this administration leading up to 9/11, the deregulation and cowtowing to corporate America, the implementation and ultimate corruption of the K-Street project, the 'I'm a uniter not a divider' obfuscation, the 'Compassionate Conservative' mendacity, the 'Faith Based Initiatives' attack on the separation of church and state, tax cuts for the rich, the stacking of the Supreme Court with right wing ideologues, the Terry Schiavo debacle, the war in Iraq and the bungling of the embarrasingly simplified notion of a global war on terror, the Katrina aftermath of indifference, tacit rascism and federal thumbsucking, the unconstitutional expansion of the unitary executive, the gutting of the Bill of Rights, the illegal spying upon Americans, the crushing of Habeas Corpus, the torture of prisoners some of whom have been released without charges, the institutional rascism and mysogeny of Trent Lott and his merry band of Islam/Asian/Gay/Anyone who doesn't agree with them haters, the disgusting attacks on Americans who oppose(d) the war as the unpatriotic, unAmerican, hate America first crowd, I believe there's more but I'm getting depressed thinking about it, these themes and policies have been perpetuated by a party of idealogues hell bent on repudiating and trashing the last 200 years of American history and progress and to what end?
We have an economy limping along and probably skidding into recession, we have had six years of war in Iraq with no end in sight and with their new candidate happily expecting 100 more years, (this is a war that we may end up spending $3 trillion on but what price security?) Apparently if we withdraw from Iraq we will end up paying more, I'd like to see the numbers associated with that spectacular piece of propaganda. We have $100+ a barrell oil with $4 a gallon gas predicted for the spring and Exxon breaking all records for corporate profits and ethanol, what the heck is with ethanol, it is perhaps the biggest pile of dung ever thrust upon an unsuspecting and obviously gullible nation. We have lost our moral and intellectual lead over the world, the dollar is in the tank, we have record trade deficits, record national debt, homeowners foreclosing at record numbers, an equity loss of perhaps $600 billion and counting, the creeping spectre of unemployment and a healthcare system that is draining not only the pocket books of ordinary Americans (if they can afford it) but is bleeding corporate America.
America... welcome to the sixteenth century republican world where the men eat meat and the women are barefoot and pregnant. A place where superstition, fear and greed drive, normally rational, people to acts of incredible stupidity.
Viva Mr. Foster, the normally rational people may have finally awoken from this collective, republican inspired, nightmare.
The major issues for the constituents of IL-14, the war in Iraq - they hate it - SCHIP - they are appalled at Republican intransigence and BubbleBoys repeated vetos - the economy - what the hell is going on? And, Obama - they like him and they liked that he showed his support for Mr. Foster.
Basically, old school republicans are rejecting the fallacies of neocon Bush rule. It was bound to happen, if we look at the last seven turgid years of Bush rule and the, almost, 14 years of uninterrupted republican control of congress as a petry dish for conservative 'values' we see the markers for an administration and deliberative body consumed by power, corruption, ineptitude, denial and idiocy.
From the disgrace of the Clinton witch-hunt of the nineties, the failures of this administration leading up to 9/11, the deregulation and cowtowing to corporate America, the implementation and ultimate corruption of the K-Street project, the 'I'm a uniter not a divider' obfuscation, the 'Compassionate Conservative' mendacity, the 'Faith Based Initiatives' attack on the separation of church and state, tax cuts for the rich, the stacking of the Supreme Court with right wing ideologues, the Terry Schiavo debacle, the war in Iraq and the bungling of the embarrasingly simplified notion of a global war on terror, the Katrina aftermath of indifference, tacit rascism and federal thumbsucking, the unconstitutional expansion of the unitary executive, the gutting of the Bill of Rights, the illegal spying upon Americans, the crushing of Habeas Corpus, the torture of prisoners some of whom have been released without charges, the institutional rascism and mysogeny of Trent Lott and his merry band of Islam/Asian/Gay/Anyone who doesn't agree with them haters, the disgusting attacks on Americans who oppose(d) the war as the unpatriotic, unAmerican, hate America first crowd, I believe there's more but I'm getting depressed thinking about it, these themes and policies have been perpetuated by a party of idealogues hell bent on repudiating and trashing the last 200 years of American history and progress and to what end?
We have an economy limping along and probably skidding into recession, we have had six years of war in Iraq with no end in sight and with their new candidate happily expecting 100 more years, (this is a war that we may end up spending $3 trillion on but what price security?) Apparently if we withdraw from Iraq we will end up paying more, I'd like to see the numbers associated with that spectacular piece of propaganda. We have $100+ a barrell oil with $4 a gallon gas predicted for the spring and Exxon breaking all records for corporate profits and ethanol, what the heck is with ethanol, it is perhaps the biggest pile of dung ever thrust upon an unsuspecting and obviously gullible nation. We have lost our moral and intellectual lead over the world, the dollar is in the tank, we have record trade deficits, record national debt, homeowners foreclosing at record numbers, an equity loss of perhaps $600 billion and counting, the creeping spectre of unemployment and a healthcare system that is draining not only the pocket books of ordinary Americans (if they can afford it) but is bleeding corporate America.
America... welcome to the sixteenth century republican world where the men eat meat and the women are barefoot and pregnant. A place where superstition, fear and greed drive, normally rational, people to acts of incredible stupidity.
Viva Mr. Foster, the normally rational people may have finally awoken from this collective, republican inspired, nightmare.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Senator Hothead
Crossed by Elizabeth Bumiller of the Times, McBush, McSame, St John of Nowhere In Particular gets a little testy or is that wheezy, it's hard to tell.
McCain almost crossed the floor in 2000 and had in-depth conversations with Tom Daschle on the subject. In 2004 he pondered an offer to be John Kerry's running mate.
McCain, a maverick or a democrat in hawks clothing? Reagan republicans must be chocking on their own bile. Too funny!
McCain almost crossed the floor in 2000 and had in-depth conversations with Tom Daschle on the subject. In 2004 he pondered an offer to be John Kerry's running mate.
McCain, a maverick or a democrat in hawks clothing? Reagan republicans must be chocking on their own bile. Too funny!
The Underpinnings...
We've been taking the word of a 'Gentleman C' MBA that our economomy is strong and we should all just go out there and buy shit and stuff.
Supply-Side economics is like creationism, it lacks any empirical basis in scientific fact and is in fact an illusion foist upon unsuspecting souls as a way of conning them out of either their money or their grey matter.
The rich will always get richer, they do not need help from government in the form of tax cut hand outs, the people who need the help, and in turn would help stimulate the economy, the middle classes, will always get shafted by supply side, trickle-down mumbo jumbo. It never trickles down, I mean how could it when most of it has been moved off-shore.
The ignorant will always be ignorant as long as organized religion insists upon it and our government tacitly assists them by giving credence to whatever snakeoil they are selling this week.
Your FUBAR republican party at work... feed the rich, starve the poor.
Supply-Side economics is like creationism, it lacks any empirical basis in scientific fact and is in fact an illusion foist upon unsuspecting souls as a way of conning them out of either their money or their grey matter.
The rich will always get richer, they do not need help from government in the form of tax cut hand outs, the people who need the help, and in turn would help stimulate the economy, the middle classes, will always get shafted by supply side, trickle-down mumbo jumbo. It never trickles down, I mean how could it when most of it has been moved off-shore.
The ignorant will always be ignorant as long as organized religion insists upon it and our government tacitly assists them by giving credence to whatever snakeoil they are selling this week.
Your FUBAR republican party at work... feed the rich, starve the poor.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Vive Le Surge
54 dead in Baghdad today, a further 123 injured, in two bombings.
If the security situation worsens, and February was a very bad month with death totals equalling those of 2006, what do we do? I know we have no Plan B, they've already told us as much.
If the security situation worsens, and February was a very bad month with death totals equalling those of 2006, what do we do? I know we have no Plan B, they've already told us as much.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Speaking Of Pragmatism
It appears there is a chink in our shield, those damn socialists in the Czech Republic don't want our radar installations, the noive!
That's going to make installing the ten (10) missiles in Poland somewhat difficult.
The money quote:
"Paroubek said he would not run in the next election due in 2010 alongside any deputy that would break ranks and vote for the radar. The Social Democrats have 71 members of parliament.
"The (military) base simply is not necessary. There is no threat from Iran and if it exists one day, then we modify our political approach," Paroubek told a news conference."
Imagine... modifying ones 'political approach' based on the threat level, what a novel concept!
Those 'old Europeans' still appear pretty savvy...
That's going to make installing the ten (10) missiles in Poland somewhat difficult.
The money quote:
"Paroubek said he would not run in the next election due in 2010 alongside any deputy that would break ranks and vote for the radar. The Social Democrats have 71 members of parliament.
"The (military) base simply is not necessary. There is no threat from Iran and if it exists one day, then we modify our political approach," Paroubek told a news conference."
Imagine... modifying ones 'political approach' based on the threat level, what a novel concept!
Those 'old Europeans' still appear pretty savvy...
Dumb & Dumber
The headline is 'McCain Set To Win Bush Endorsement'. I'm sorry but who else is Bush going to endorse?
Bush I, Bush II, McBush I, it's the circle of life... republican style.
Sorry I can't believe I used the words republican and style in the same sentence, I promise, dear reader, it will never happen again.
Bush I, Bush II, McBush I, it's the circle of life... republican style.
Sorry I can't believe I used the words republican and style in the same sentence, I promise, dear reader, it will never happen again.
Good Riddance
I grew up with Ian Paisley on my TV, I grew up with the 'Troubles' and Bloody Sunday and pub bombings, shopping centers (malls to you yanks) being evacuated and motorbike death squads and young British soldiers being exploded by dark swarthy terrorists in the middle of the night. Seems however much I am removed from that life it's remnants and memories sustain. Paisley is such a remnant and memory, his grey suits and dog collar, the apoplectic delivery, the armagh-geddon rhetoric and the condoning of brutal reprisals, I remember it all, I was as frightened by him as I was the IRA in their balaclavas, NATO jackets, guns thrust in the air as another martyr was buried with full 'military' honors.
The catholic 'martyr' likely died in a shit stained cell after brutal beatings and interrogations by the protestant RUC, at the time it was a story mostly left untold until a more enlightened era, that Paisley was a brutal warmongering sociopath was also, mostly, left unsaid and as much as Gerry Adams was/is the political face of the IRA an ultra Irish Nationalist criminal enterprise, Paisley was the political face of the UDR or UDF both ultra Unionist/Nationalist criminal enterprises. As I grew older and began to understand the dynamics of the "Irish Problem" I always snorted indignantly as Paisley repudiated Adams for his ties to the IRA while denying his own ties to organised violence. After all Paisley was a man of god he could not condone violence, he said, but look into his black lying eyes and you saw another man of god, using his ordained grace to wield the power of life and death over his minions and his enemies alike.
Only later in his life did Paisley show one ounce of humanity, he ratified the accord that would bring a tenuous but, so far, lasting peace to both the North and South of Ireland. Maybe I'm naive in thinking that his concience finally caught up with him and he realized there had to be peace or whether he looked around him and saw the writing on the wall for him and his political ilk and ceded power to the more pragmatic approach necessary to guarantee Unionist survival.
Either way... Paisley, stay retired.
The catholic 'martyr' likely died in a shit stained cell after brutal beatings and interrogations by the protestant RUC, at the time it was a story mostly left untold until a more enlightened era, that Paisley was a brutal warmongering sociopath was also, mostly, left unsaid and as much as Gerry Adams was/is the political face of the IRA an ultra Irish Nationalist criminal enterprise, Paisley was the political face of the UDR or UDF both ultra Unionist/Nationalist criminal enterprises. As I grew older and began to understand the dynamics of the "Irish Problem" I always snorted indignantly as Paisley repudiated Adams for his ties to the IRA while denying his own ties to organised violence. After all Paisley was a man of god he could not condone violence, he said, but look into his black lying eyes and you saw another man of god, using his ordained grace to wield the power of life and death over his minions and his enemies alike.
Only later in his life did Paisley show one ounce of humanity, he ratified the accord that would bring a tenuous but, so far, lasting peace to both the North and South of Ireland. Maybe I'm naive in thinking that his concience finally caught up with him and he realized there had to be peace or whether he looked around him and saw the writing on the wall for him and his political ilk and ceded power to the more pragmatic approach necessary to guarantee Unionist survival.
Either way... Paisley, stay retired.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Stating The Obvious
Reading this, it sounds like Odierno has absolutely no idea what he is talking about...
Iran, a shiite theocracy, is backing Iraqi shiite militias, OK. One of which, the Mahdi Army, recently extended its cease fire, the other, the Badr Corp, is pretty much an extension of the official Iraqi government being allied to SCIRI of which Al Maliki, the Prime Minister, is its representative.
Odierno says that shiites are responsible for most of the bombing going on in Baghdad but if you read the news reports the bombs tend to go off in Shiite market places or are directly aimed at shiite government officials, so my guess would be that it is probably Sunnis doing the bombing.
Where does this leave Al Qaeda? Al Qaeda are Sunni fundamentalists and as far as they are concerned shiites are heretics, now, some of the weapons leaking across the Iranian border may well end up in Sunni hands, probably exchanged for the good old yankee dollar, but Iran would never train a Sunni and vice versa.
Odierno insists on calling shiite militias insurgents, this is demonstrably false, the insurgency is fueled and lead by Sunnis not shiites, so let's get the message straight Lt. Gen. Odierno, the shiites are in power and therefore cannot, by definition, be insurgent.
He does let the cat out of the bag a little with this statement beginning with the false inference that iran is supporting insurgents:
''We have no doubt they are still supporting insurgents,'' said Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, the former No. 2 military commander in Iraq, at a Pentagon press conference. Asked if that was the greatest threat to stability in Iraq, he said, ''If you ask me what I worry about most, I do worry about that as a long-term threat. And I think we have to, you know, constantly watch it.''
Iran is not supporting insurgents... it is arming and training shiite militias for the inevitable civil war with the disenfranchised Sunnis and that is what Odierno is worried about 'long term'.
So quit the fricking double-speak and tell the truth.
Iran, a shiite theocracy, is backing Iraqi shiite militias, OK. One of which, the Mahdi Army, recently extended its cease fire, the other, the Badr Corp, is pretty much an extension of the official Iraqi government being allied to SCIRI of which Al Maliki, the Prime Minister, is its representative.
Odierno says that shiites are responsible for most of the bombing going on in Baghdad but if you read the news reports the bombs tend to go off in Shiite market places or are directly aimed at shiite government officials, so my guess would be that it is probably Sunnis doing the bombing.
Where does this leave Al Qaeda? Al Qaeda are Sunni fundamentalists and as far as they are concerned shiites are heretics, now, some of the weapons leaking across the Iranian border may well end up in Sunni hands, probably exchanged for the good old yankee dollar, but Iran would never train a Sunni and vice versa.
Odierno insists on calling shiite militias insurgents, this is demonstrably false, the insurgency is fueled and lead by Sunnis not shiites, so let's get the message straight Lt. Gen. Odierno, the shiites are in power and therefore cannot, by definition, be insurgent.
He does let the cat out of the bag a little with this statement beginning with the false inference that iran is supporting insurgents:
''We have no doubt they are still supporting insurgents,'' said Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, the former No. 2 military commander in Iraq, at a Pentagon press conference. Asked if that was the greatest threat to stability in Iraq, he said, ''If you ask me what I worry about most, I do worry about that as a long-term threat. And I think we have to, you know, constantly watch it.''
Iran is not supporting insurgents... it is arming and training shiite militias for the inevitable civil war with the disenfranchised Sunnis and that is what Odierno is worried about 'long term'.
So quit the fricking double-speak and tell the truth.
Hey... Condi's Back In Town
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse in the Middle East, especially between Israel and Palestine, Hamas and Fatah, Condi turns up to add her special kinda diplomacy to the sitchuwashian...
Of course, the fact that she and her idiot savant twin (That's the 'Deciderer' to you) caused this clusterf**k and it is all over the pages of Vanity Fair fills me with huge confidence that her visit will be just fantastic.
"[Palestinian national-security adviser Muhammad] Dahlan says he warned his friends in the Bush administration that Fatah still wasn’t ready for elections in January. Decades of self-preservationist rule by Arafat had turned the party into a symbol of corruption and inefficiency—a perception Hamas found it easy to exploit. Splits within Fatah weakened its position further: in many places, a single Hamas candidate ran against several from Fatah.
“Everyone was against the elections,” Dahlan says. Everyone except Bush. “Bush decided, ‘I need an election. I want elections in the Palestinian Authority.’ Everyone is following him in the American administration, and everyone is nagging Abbas, telling him, ‘The president wants elections.’ Fine. For what purpose?”
The elections went forward as scheduled. On January 25, Hamas won 56 percent of the seats in the Legislative Council.
Few inside the U.S. administration had predicted the result, and there was no contingency plan to deal with it. “I’ve asked why nobody saw it coming,” Condoleezza Rice told reporters. “I don’t know anyone who wasn’t caught off guard by Hamas’s strong showing.”
“Everyone blamed everyone else,” says an official with the Department of Defense. “We sat there in the Pentagon and said, ‘Who the fuck recommended this?’”"
(h/t Attaturk)
Awe inspiring huh!
Update: Abbas rejects continued peace talks... for now.
''Negotiations are going to have to be able to withstand the efforts of rejectionists to upset them, to create chaos and violence, so that people react by deciding not to negotiate, '' Rice said in Egypt at the start of two days of Mideast meetings overshadowed by the Gaza crisis. ''That's the game of those who don't want to see a Palestinian state established.''
She finished the presser by stating "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some shopping to do"
Of course, the fact that she and her idiot savant twin (That's the 'Deciderer' to you) caused this clusterf**k and it is all over the pages of Vanity Fair fills me with huge confidence that her visit will be just fantastic.
"[Palestinian national-security adviser Muhammad] Dahlan says he warned his friends in the Bush administration that Fatah still wasn’t ready for elections in January. Decades of self-preservationist rule by Arafat had turned the party into a symbol of corruption and inefficiency—a perception Hamas found it easy to exploit. Splits within Fatah weakened its position further: in many places, a single Hamas candidate ran against several from Fatah.
“Everyone was against the elections,” Dahlan says. Everyone except Bush. “Bush decided, ‘I need an election. I want elections in the Palestinian Authority.’ Everyone is following him in the American administration, and everyone is nagging Abbas, telling him, ‘The president wants elections.’ Fine. For what purpose?”
The elections went forward as scheduled. On January 25, Hamas won 56 percent of the seats in the Legislative Council.
Few inside the U.S. administration had predicted the result, and there was no contingency plan to deal with it. “I’ve asked why nobody saw it coming,” Condoleezza Rice told reporters. “I don’t know anyone who wasn’t caught off guard by Hamas’s strong showing.”
“Everyone blamed everyone else,” says an official with the Department of Defense. “We sat there in the Pentagon and said, ‘Who the fuck recommended this?’”"
(h/t Attaturk)
Awe inspiring huh!
Update: Abbas rejects continued peace talks... for now.
''Negotiations are going to have to be able to withstand the efforts of rejectionists to upset them, to create chaos and violence, so that people react by deciding not to negotiate, '' Rice said in Egypt at the start of two days of Mideast meetings overshadowed by the Gaza crisis. ''That's the game of those who don't want to see a Palestinian state established.''
She finished the presser by stating "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some shopping to do"
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