Monday, May 07, 2007

Plan F

Perhaps the biggest problem this administration had in the aftermath of 9/11 was that it had absolutely no idea how to fight a GWOT and still doesn't. However, they did figure out a - very bad - way to conventionalize it. That they were gifted the backing of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan where the Taliban, initially, turned out to be not much more than a rag-tag militia and were easily swept off the battlefield only to morph into what we see today. And, that the only apparent or manipulated path forward from that first encounter with the ideology of islamofascist-ring-a-ma-ting was to find a predominantly secular, target rich environment and stay for awhile, completely ignoring what we had learned in Afghanistan about the cynical and barbarous nature of our enemy, remaining blithe to the emotional and tactical shifts of both those nations as a direct reaction to occupation, in parallel with alienating the international community - coalition of the willing notwithstanding - through roughshod treatment of pertinent alliances and existing treaties and blatant arrogance, we arrive where we are today, a mere Friedman Unit from turning the tide in Iraq - again - without still never actually having to confront the realities and consequences of the conflicts at hand and where these consequences will lead us to in the future.

There are many nations of the world very familiar and competent at dealing with both international and domestic terrorism within their borders, there are institutions and world bodies tasked with the collection and dissemination of information regarding terrorist entities, the players, their ideologies and their methods. There are enforcement agencies cooperating around the world with the infiltration and fighting of terrorist organizations, some with great success. There are proven - in the battlefield - models and strategies in existence that will help with the fight against terrorism. But, this administration chose to ignore that route, that skill-set of collective knowledge, strategies and techniques and chose instead to invade Iraq, an albeit prominent part of a self-styled 'Axis of Evil' and constant thorn in the foot of dear leader and his neocon cabal, but, for the most part, a contained and strategical non-entity, except that is for oil and as a showcase for crackpot theories and political sloganeering - winning elections and creating a permanent republican majority, that is - certainly not for anything honorable. So, not only do we rebuff the world - 'CoW' notwithstanding - and all the opportunities inherent with partnerships forged in collective and shared responsibility, we ignite a powder keg and strap it to our service men and womens back and talk of 'diminishing expectations'. It is self immolation on a grand and unforgiveable scale. It would be inconceiveable if it wasn't actually happening before our very eyes.


alwaysright said...

What you don't seem to want to acknowledge is that 9/11 demonstrated the futility of all those institutions upon which we relied to protect us.

The UN? Donated billlions to terrorist financier Saddam Hussein. Our alliances? Oh yes, they were a huge deterrent to the multiple terrorist attacks of the 90's, culminating in 9/11. Why to this day, I can't understand how Al Qaeda dared to attack an ally of the French!

London and Madrid showed great effectiveness at preventing terror on their soil POST 9/11.

The reason the administration chose a different path was because the one we were on wasn't working!

9/11 was not an acceptable event. It marked a catastrophic failure of the global security apparatus.

I find delicious irony in the fact that lefties always criticize W for never changing his mind. And yet, what you seem to wish to do is to go right back to the failed policies that brought us 9/11. Who's really resistant to change?

I used to think that "War on Terror" was a misnomer. You don't make war on a tactic, you make war on people. Lately, I've begun to think that that moniker is the right one.

The reason there's terror is because the terror ringleaders believe that it advances their agenda. They blow up a school, we cut a check. Or retreat. Or make a concession.

We must eradicate terror as a tactic--particularly in a soon to be era of nuclear proliferation.

The only way, the ONLY WAY to do this is to never make concessions to terror, and when possible inflict a heavy cost on the perpetrators.

That means when Al Qaeda attacks NY, you don't flee the region. You run them out of Afghanistan, and then you plant the flag in Iraq.

A democracy in Iraq is intolerable to bin Laden. He must engage. Now, instead of his terrorists slaughtering innocent civilians, they're forced to fight the best fighting force the world has ever seen.

So, did attacking NY advance Al Qaeda's agenda? I'd say it set them back a few years, maybe for good.

Just curious, has NY been attacked again? Maybe we don't really need the French.

righterscramp said...

Good luck with that eradication thing! 1.2 Billion muslims, all of them hostile right now, more and more being driven to the very extreme edges of their extreme religion, eternal jihad.

Bush's plan has worked out real well, what a great thinker, an intellectual tour de force, a veritable titan of foreign policy initiatives.

So, let's look at the implecations of this masterstroke from the brain of the boy genius. Domestic - 3,400 dead, 24,500 injured, 350 billion spent, loss of majority in House and Senate, 28% approval rating, resignation, removal or public disgrace of; Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, Libby, Perle, Powell, Generals too numerous to mention. International - Losses of; credibility, prestige, allies, goodwill, Bin Laden, Zawahiri, a plan B. Gains - Shiite hegemony of Iraq, Iranian supremacy in the region, Saudi disapproval, Jordanian disapproval, Egyptian indifference, Israeli paranoia, Syrian brinkmanship, Kurdish separatism, Turkish opposition, European distrust.

All of the above directly linked to this administrations irrational, ill-conceived, ill-planned reaction to the events of 9/11.

72% of Americans have gotten over that day and wish to move this country in a new direction, fear mongering, secrecy, deceit and incompetence will not be tolerated any more.