If the polling can be believed, in Florida, and that is a big if, then we are clearly down to a two horse race in the Repuglican presidential nominating process. Both St. McCain and Willard 'Mitt' Romney have problems coming out of Florida and into Super Tuesday on February 5th and, as a lot of observers have remarked, those problems afflict both front runners.
McCain is despised by a majority of his own party, he is considered too liberal by half, even though he has an 82% conservative voting record, and perhaps just a tad too 'maverick' for his own good. His support for both 'comprehensive' immigration reform (Amnesty) and campaign finance reform irritate the base to no end. Obviously he is a foreign policy hawk and that remains the one abiding factor in his pandering to the extreme right of his party but this must alienate the now left leaning independents who have traditionally vascillated between a moderate republican or centrist democrat and have always expressed the warm and fuzzies for 'The Straight Talk Express' however, the Iraq war remains unpopular and will become a bigger issue as we near November. They were bitten twice by Bush and his supposed 'uniter not a divider', 'compassionate conservative' obfuscation, I doubt they will be so tolerant or gullible again. So where does that leave McCain if he can't rely on independents and centrist democrats as a safety valve as we head into the closed primaries? His strength may lie in his opponent.
Romney is without doubt the most vaccuous candidate left standing and his problems are compounded by a faith that the christianists firmly believe is a devil-worshipping cult and it doesn't matter what Mitt says about it they will never be moved from that stance. Mitt is a flip-flopper extraordinaire and that has not gone unnoticed and the longer this thing goes on and he is still in the race and the MSM takes it's traditional position up McCain's butt then Romney is in for one helluva rollercoater ride into ignomy and self-immolation. Unlike Huckabee, who can hide his private prejudices and most vitriolic beliefs behind the shroud of his ministry, Romney's past positions are there for all to see and read and when the base gets hold of them and the MSM magnifies his self serving dalliances with progressive policy positions, coupled with the whole poisonous LDS pile, he's toast.
So it looks like McCain... now, when that reality sinks in with the base, things could get real interesting.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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