Thursday, May 29, 2008


The attempted public execution of Scott McClellan by WH proxies continues unabated on the, too happy to oblige, network and cable 'news' outlets. That not a single one of the idiots, roused from their ideological torpors, responding to the obviously and demonstrably true claims set forth in the book has even read the damn thing is par for the course in this day and time. We have had eight years of misinformation, propaganda, lies and mendacity provided to us by lightweight dillitantes who had absolutely no right to be advising or governing the American people.

Not one proxy has challenged the veracity of Scott McClellan's charges, instead they are 'puzzled', 'confused' and 'skeptical' of McClellans motives and his ability to put several words into a coherent sentence. You see, that's how they operate, facts are merely an inconvenience to be trampled under foot in the head long rush to evicerate and ultimately destroy the origin of those facts. That the truth was told by one of their own, that the whole rotten core is exposed is immaterial.

Must destroy Scotty, must destroy Scotty, must destroy Scotty.

It's all so stupidly predictable.


alwaysright said...

One thing upon which I believe complete bipartisan agreement is that Scott McClellan is an idiot. His tenure as Press Secretary was a complete embarassment. I'll confess straight off that I haven't read the book, nor do I plan to. From what I've seen of the claims made by McClellan, I'd describe them as ho-hum. The White House operated in "permanent campaign mode". No shit. That's the nature of modern politics. The White House sold the war with "propaganda". Shocking! Rove decided to campaign on the war in 2002. I thought democracies were supposed to debate and vote on vital issues.

What people seem to be upset about is that the Bush White House made a very forceful, and in my judgment correct case, to liberate Iraq. In a rare moment of lucidity, both parties in Congress voted overwhelmingly to do what the Clinton administration made official US policy, i.e. regime change in Iraq. Then, in 2002, they took it to the voters. And won big.

Politics ain't beanbag, as the old saying goes. In our system, it falls to the opposition to make their case, which they failed to do. Instead, it fell to the George Soros-Michael Moore--Cindy Sheehan-Joe Wilson-Valerie Plame axis of evil to undertake a campaign of disinformation, undermining the war effort, and weakening the resolve of the nation to finish the job that we voted to do.

Meanwhile, nobody seems to notice that it seems to have worked. Al Qaeda is all but finished. Iraq and Afghanistan are on their way to being functional democracies. We haven't been attacked in nearly seven years. So, Scotty, go ahead and whine about the evil ways of life in Washington while you count your thirty pieces of silver. Well done, douchebag.

righterscramp said...

Must destroy Scotty, must destroy Scotty, must destroy Scotty...

Blimey, you're predictable.