Wednesday, June 18, 2008


File this under... appeasers and the appeasing appeasers who appease them!

So, a couple of weeks back, Bubbleboy goes to Israel and stands up in front of the Knessett and tells old war stories about weak, lilly-livered appeasers and how their namby pamby approach got us into all that trouble back in '39 and just how strong and macho his new and improved - don't talk to anyone approach - and his - round 'em up, put 'em in a field and bomb the bastards - plan is working out jus' fine thank you very much, and practically begs his Israeli friends to stick with him and listen to the band as his ship keeps sinking. All good TV by the way, the MSM lapped it up, the right wing drooled, the Israeli's...?

They went straight to it and appeased first, Hamas and now Hezbollah.

Fucking brilliant Mr. Bush, even the Israelis think you're an idiot. They'll clap politely, even slap you on the back but then do the complete reverse of what your catagorically failed mid-east policies demand.

Time to restrategeriarize neocons, if you lose Likud who is left?

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