Saturday, January 13, 2007

'07 The Year of the Twat! (Pregnant Fish)

I fear the same tactics, used by republicans, to cripple and immasculate the Clinton I administration are about to become remanifest, this time with the entire congress and the Constitution as their targets. They are admitted masters of the transparantly unscrupulous dirty trick and they are already at it. In this instance they are preemptively imagining the havoc they shall reek without regard for the consequences or rewards. It is malice aforethought, they seek only to injure, in the name of 'their' America. The rest of us used to have to sit back and accept that this is the way it is done in DC especially by the adults in the republican party who know what is good for us better than anyone. Not any more, now we can hold them accountable, expose their bitter, malignant and hypocritical actions before they have had time to fester and infect the populace at large. Republican masters and their operative lacky's will stop at nothing to get back on Easy (K) Street, it is up to us to put the word out and prevent that from ever happening again. Photograph by Suza - Sunset at Sugarloaf.