The Ken Lay - Enron Trial has a very familiar ring to it... it appears that we live in an age where the business and political elite are never responsible for the tradgedies that have befallen them. It is always the work of some dastardly underling or some overzealous prosecutor or... whatever else comes to mind in numerous legal strategy huddles convened at great expense by the plaintiff. Kenny Boy in his own words refutes all that has come before him in a personal letter on his "web site". And, as much as this administration believes that FISA courts are antiquated, he cites 4 of the indictments against him as originating from 70 year old banking laws that have never been used before and are therefore, shall we say, quaint. Never once does he admit or cede that the head of a corporation is responsible for the actions and ethical conduct of that corporation... that he was unaware of his underlings perfidy. I ask... is President or Chairman merely a titular position or with all that that title implies does it carry more gravitas? Mr. Lay shared in the success of his company, was quite the poster boy in fact... a veritable captain fantastic of his ship of industry, quick to revel in the kudos and millions granted him and yet when his "Mission Accomplished" moment was exposed, the curtain pulled back on the staggering deceptions and plunder that had occured he was equally as quick to blame everyone but himself. If he was too indifferent to or ignorant of the day to day operations of the company he headed then he should never have been Chairman in the first place. To understand a little more about this mans demeanor in court and the lack of seriousness he associates with the proceedings - go here.