Indulge me... but isn't it getting to look a lot like Life of Brian in Iraq right now? If you read Professor Cole, and I do, then the factional marginalization and sectarian in-fighting has become almost farcical. The only party worth any salt and by that I mean actually showing a united front, is the shiite coalition which seems to be holding fast despite incredible pressure from not only the US but internally as well. The other parties, neo Baathists, Sunni fundamentalists, secular coalitions even the Kurds are posturing, fermenting and ultimately splintering like so much old dead wood. I understand that Democracy can be messy, especially in it's formative state but this is getting really, well, counter-productive. Ahlawi has angled for so many positions within the yet to be formed government that I think he has spent all his bait. The Sunni fundamentalists (Splitters) have decided to not recognize anyone and the Kurds, much like the PLF are sitting alone in the ampitheater eating wolf nipple chips - get 'em while they're hot, they're lovely - my suggestion is... let's have another election, they seem like fun, what with all the purple fingers and smiling Iraqis and Shrub looking all smug and declaring another corner turned in our pursuit of global peace. Elections every news cycle, that might work... or we could nuke the crap out of Iran - that might be fun too!
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