Ken Mehlman... what a nice guy! I've been watching him for a while now... smooth, outwardly confident, bullying, party-liner, corrupt. The perfect Repug operative. Totally convincing and convinced that 'the words' have come down from the mountain and are therefore - rote. He is an apostle of spin... a true believer in the power of on-point. Try, at your peril, to ask a direct question and expect anything resembling an honest answer... no such thing exists... only the persistent, repetive, timeworn message remains. But, poor old Ken has been caught in a lie and the clouds gather around his once effulgient star. Ken's fingerprints are all over a very dirty jar of cookies-read this - thanks to Dailykos for the story, they've been all over this like a cheap suit and rightly so. This whole Rove-Machina has been so sleezy from the very beginning that the more this kind of stuff gets out there the better. Ken - you can fool some of your people all of the time but you can't fool any of us, anytime... always knew you were a sleeze. Welcome to the reality based community.
I posted a comment, but it seems to have gotten lost. hmmmm do you have "moderate comments" turned on?
No... I don't believe in moderation. Good to here from you!
As I said in the post that disappeared: don't underestimate rote presentations and spin. Any Republican will tell you they work!
Say something often enough on Fox news and put it out on a talk radio show and you have it made. C'mon - you read Brave New World, didn't you? give the people a few slogans and make them comfortable. After that you can do whatever you want.
If you'll excuse me The Amazing Race of American Idols is on so I gotta go.
I would never be so naive... of course their strategy has worked in the past but, with 32% approval ratings, I think the nation as a whole has grown more sceptical of the spin coming out of the RNC and the WH. The problem they have is that they never had a plan B and that is evident in Mehlmans delivery. There is a King Cnute like denial that the program is failing and all they have to do is keep on nailing home mendacious point after mendacious point and the waves of discontent will subside, not so say I. Plus, with Republican spokesperson after spokesperson being imbroigled in scandal after scandal it will become increasingly difficult to find a credible voice on any issue. That's all!
Believe it or not, I do think you're naive. Don't be so sure that Americans are finished with Republicans. They're unhappy because gas prices are high and we're not winning in Iraq. It's not the big issues - just immediate comforts.
When Bush first weasled into the White House I figured it was part of a giant conspiracy (still do, actually) but decided to sit tight and take it like a good American.
Second election time rolled around and I told myself "No way would anybody actually vote for that man. No rational people. No *thinking* people."
Then came the election and whaddya know, the American people did vote Monkey Boy into office. And that's when I really really learned that Americans are not rational, thinking people at all.
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