The only African representative in the last 16... hhhmmm! I thought the game was developing incrementally on the continent? I have noticed a marked difference in how the African nations are now and how they were oh, say 12 years ago, the swashbuckling style has been replaced by a more controlled possession game... it may be an evolution for African soccer but all that style acheives is that you become easier to beat for the European and South American teams who have been playing that game for over half a century. It is something they are used to and can tactically break it down if the opposing team has inferior manpower. I think that is one of the issues for Africa to overcome, do they play us at our game and be suseptable to superior players or return to their old style where practically anything could happen at any given time any where on the pitch. It's hard to counter that as European and South American sides found to their dismay. Another problem is that there are now so many African players playing for European clubs who, I am sure, curb their enthusiasm and impetuousness. Shame really, I liked some of those old African sides, not because of some condescending Western European geshtalt, but because I liked to watch a game break open and see great players forced to be great by an opposition who didn't care two hoots if your name was Zico, Maldini, Plattini or Gascoine, they came here to play football... Africa style!!! I think Ghana will have a terrible time against Brazil who are starting to rev the engine. As for the rest of the draw, only England face South American opposition... I'll admit, I'm uncomfortable with this draw, I don't like teams that are willing to lose 3-0 just to rest some of their players, it shows a lack of ambition and smugness, I'll pick England to win but I think it will be a bloodbath. Sweden v Germany, too Northern European for my taste... Germany wins, what a shocker. I think both Portugal and Italy will get through but if there is an upset Italy v Australia could be the one. Spain v France could be another bloodbath with Spain edging it. Switzerland v Ukraine... watch it, through sheer dumb luck it may be the game of the round - ohhh! Ukraine wins it. There that's it we will be down to eight.
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