There happens to be all kinds of crap going on right now... prisoners commiting suicide at Gitmo, apparently in an attempt to create some good PR for the Taliban, thanks for that quote General Cretin. The Taliban meanwhile, good PR or not, have regrouped and are now considered by our military as an insurgent force. We got Zarqawi, good. His own people sold him out... bad. We've turned another corner in Iraq, good. That's now twelve corners since this administration started this mess, now if we were playing Monopoly, and we might be for all I know, we would have gone round the board three times and hit every piece of property on it... bad. Not even a get out of jail free card. Iran continues to toy with us like we were her effing bitch and Europe, yeah cheers, thanks a lot... fer nuttin. One classic quote on Atrios... Larry Johnson on the 'Bush Era' "I wish we were making all this crap up".... too funny, too sad! Hey, it's Sunday, go read a good newspaper. Learn something, or go on one of the blogs I have links to, they are informative and they care...?
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And that is why the world is still heavily reliant on lead acid batteries. Obtaining old is not enjoyable as it is not enjoyable when you have the stiff joints, discomfort and fatigues all the time. I left both mag-lites continuously on.
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