Thursday, April 12, 2007


So the preznit insists that his vetoing of the supplemental will cause longer tours of duty for our servicemen in I-raq and increase the hardship on military families as a result, he's all for our troops isn't he! Next thing you know, without the supplemental even being presented for the idiot's veto his Secretary of Defense announces that tours of duty for servicemen in I-raq will be extended, effective immediately! Now, we are assured that GI's will be given a full twelve months rest and recuperation upon return from the carnage so the next fifteen months won't seem so bad huh? And... wait for it, wait for it, our soldiers must share the burden and sacrifice , wha? This war has been going on for four years already, we have lost 3,295 men and women, we have countless soldiers maimed and injured both physically and mentally, we have an unspecified amount of I-raqi's dead, injured, terrorized, fleeing and protesting, there are many people out there making incredible sacrifices every day for this war of illusion, not one of them works in the White House, or on Wall Street or in the Board Rooms of Corporate America. This administration has asked our servicemen to sacrifice for the last four years and does not want restrictions, or timetables or realistic benchmarks imposed upon it so it can extend their (our soldier's) sacrifice indefinitely. All this with the supplemental not even vetoed yet. It staggers the mind, I mean really!

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