Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Disgusted of Buffalo

I am content that this man will spend the rest of his days rotting in a prison. What I am disgusted about is that the Buffalo news quotes only Dr. Slepians wife in defence of the conviction whilst quoting two, including one convicted of hiding Kopp during his stint on the run, nutjobs defending this idiot of a man.

Kopp’s supporters outside the federal courthouse rejected that theory, calling Kopp a nonviolent man and repeating his assertions that he intended only to wound Slepian so he no longer could perform abortions.

Joan Andrews Bell, a prominent figure in the anti-abortion movement, described herself as a pacifist but said she believed Kopp took a number of steps to avoid killing Slepian and injuring anyone else.

How can you call yourself a pacifist and then defend someone who aimed, shot and killed a highly respected and well liked human being with a high powered rifle. The contadiction is staggering, the logic... manifestly lacking.

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