Wednesday, June 06, 2007


It takes more than one or two half assed, fleeting visits to the region to even get these peoples agendas coordinated, never mind having them come to some kind of an agreement.

Condi, of course, is somewhat distracted... she's having staffing problems at State. I suppose, like a fine pair of handmade Italian shoes, good 'Bushies' are getting harder to find these days.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is the lynch pin to any successful strategy the west wishes to employ in the middle east. Any kind of negotiated settlement or brokered peace deal would be the catalyst in stabilizing the region as a whole. That is why this administration has a complete light weight like Rice in the most exalted diplomatic position on the planet. She serves at Cheney's pleasure and Cheney, like all dedicated neocons, does not want peace in the middle east, ergo status quo in Israel, chaos everywhere else.

Everytime Condi visits Jerusalem, rest assured, in her exquisitely hand fashioned purse is a hand written letter from Mr. Cheney to Mr. Olmert. It contains just three words "Stay The Course."

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