Among those Republicans are Reps. Thomas M. Reynolds of Clarence and John R. “Randy” Kuhl of Hammondsport. Both voice concern that, in reducing the scandalous number of American children who are without health care coverage, an expanded SCHIP might offer collateral benefits to those who don’t deserve the financial assistance.
Reynolds, particularly, goes out of his way to deny that he is among the Republicans said to be toeing the White House line on SCHIP even though it threatens to cost them votes in 2008. Fair enough — but the concerns he and others raise about illegal aliens getting into the program or about the expected bleed-off of some privately insured children into SCHIP are awfully small gnats to strain on when the needs are so great.

Reynolds seems to have it in for children, he covered up the Foley page scandal for as long as he could get away with it, surrounded himself with children when he became deeply implicated in the investigation and now, like the true lackey that he is, votes against an expansion of a truly excellent, although modified, piece of bipartisan legislation.
Tom Reynolds, a true man of the people, his people that is, not yours!
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