Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Zogby has the Chimperor at 24%, it's getting practically Nixonian. Of course the hard core couldn't give a damn about approval ratings, except that is, when they apply to Democrats - Clinton at the same time in his Presidency, 59% and rising! The right is quick to point to Clinton when they've been caught with their pants around their ankles or their hands in the cookie jar but they never mention that he was one of the most popular and successful post war Presidents, it must really stick in their craws.
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You neglect to mention the Dem congress is at 11%! It's a conservative nirvana. Is it asking too much for the American people to realize that government is not the answer? Probably. All government can do is to take money from one group of people and give it to another. It doesn't create anything.
Once you get past the point of trying to get something for nothing, that's when you can find some peace.
It's easy with hindsight to look back on the Clinton years and see the makings of the crises that would define the Bush years. 40% reduction in active duty military. Feckless reponses to repeated terror attacks. Passing up on repeated opportunities to take out bin Laden. Clueless about what to do about Saddam.
Let's not forget that special brand of Clinton corruption--Whitewater and all the related scandals. Clinton's business partner died in jail, but thanks to Susan McDougal's criminal refusal to testify, Bill and Hillary managed to avoid that fate. Is it any wonder that the boys at Enron, and Worldcom, and Adelphia, and Tyco, and Global Crossing, to name just a few, figured that the laws were just for the little people?
I think what popularity polls prove is that the overwhelming majority of people aren't paying much attention. Most people's opinions are shaped by the media and by a general sense that they want to be in the comfortable majority. They're not much interested in thinking. Clinton took a helluva pounding (well-deserved in my opinion) from the right and left office still standing. And, let's face it, the guy has tremendous communication skills. What's really notable about his presidency is how little he accomplished and what a disaster in the making he left his successor.
The reason congress is at 11% is well documented, the majority of the country is dissatisfied with congresses response to Bush's failed policies. They want them to be more agressive in challenging the redundant orthodoxies of neocon imperialism and conservative corruption of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As for your knee jerk distaste for 'big' government, under this administration we have seen spending reach historic highs whilst having to swallow the mantra of shrinking government to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub, so which is it? Why the dichotomy?
As for Clinton, it was his army that swept aside Saddam and I believe it was Rumsfeld that wanted a smaller, leaner fighting machine, less dependent on boots on the ground and more reliant on our massive technological advantage in the modern wars to come. The Soviet Union was no more, our biggest military threat was gone, we had to adjust our strategic thinking.
You really have to stop reading republican revisionist screeds and introduce yourself to some reasoned thinking on the subject.
The right wing attack on Clinton was a hatchet job and based on unsubstantiated gossip... he perjured himself after a relentless, politically motivated campaign by Ken Starr and Scaiffe backed mudrakers over a blow job in the Oval Office. Every other so called scandal was found to be without merit and one guy dying in prison can not be compared to the thousands who have died or have been maimed for life under our present presidents watch.
I think you are wrong about the American people, you treat them with such disdain at your peril. But then again that is pretty much the repug way... the people are there to be manipulated and used for the greater good of the entitled elite. It is an arrogance you will pay for at the polls.
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