Now, about that drilling off the coast of Florida, California etc. Just how long does it take to get one of these off-shore oil rigs operational? Any ideas? I mean it's not like just digging a big hole or something and perhaps you might need a few more of the effing ships to make it even possible.
Much like the 'Gas Tax' Holiday espoused by McCain, once you look into these gimmicks proposed by oil men and their crony Republican enablers you find out that it's a complete crock of crap and benefits absolutely no one but the corporate hacks who've been pushing for it and that the mechanisms to make it actually happen don't even exist.
"Mr. Bush called on Congress Wednesday to end a longstanding federal ban on offshore drilling and open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration, arguing that the steps were needed to lower gasoline prices and bolster national security. But even as oil trades at more than $135 a barrel — up from $68 a year ago — the world’s existing drill-ships are booked solid for the next five years. Some oil companies have been forced to postpone exploration while waiting for a drilling rig, executives and analysts said."
We are ruled by morons and another McMoron wishes to perpetuate that fact...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
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What the gas tax holiday and the call to drill offshore and in ANWR have in common is that they represent an attempt to help ordinary Americans deal with high gas prices. Tax releif would help. People look all over to save 10 cents per gallon. Saving 70or 80 cents wouldn't hurt. Joe Anderson is on his way to being a billionaire because peope like saving money, especially on taxes.
Nobody is saying drilling offshore will produce immediate results. The problem is that we've been putting this off for twenty years. It's long past time to get it going already.
Lost in all of this is this. What's your solution?
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