Monday, April 30, 2007

Still Winning

'The more they kill us, the more we'll send' philosophy is working just fine... so far. Just 4 more months until this administration is willing to report on this latest fiasco. Progress, meanwhile, will be measured utilizing a whole new set of parameters, that is - none.

Speaking of disastrous wars and their consequences... Mr. Olmert - resign, already!

William Kristol, as prognosticators go, is quite possibly the frontrunner for the prestigious, and completely ficticious Krakatoa Award for 'Most Outstandingly Ill-Informed Moments in Punditry' for his assertion that Shia - Sunni tensions were mere "Pop Psychology", the fact that it is now systemic and institutionalized in Iraq is irrelevant to a great mind like Mr. Kristols.

Now this is funny stuff... Mr. Wolfowitz - shut up and resign, already!

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