Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Taking It A Little Too Hard

Don Esmonde, a man who's feathers are perpetually ruffled, of the Buffalo News takes Spitzer fall from grace pretty hard. I have no idea why anyone would appear to have invested so much blind faith in a politician. He seems to take it too much like a personal affront, maybe he's enjoying his own self righteous indignity. It wouldn't surprise me, I've always thought of Esmonde as a concern troll anyway.

His 'the end of the world' rhetoric does not take into account that the Lt. Governor is a good man and may well champion a lot of the causes Spitzer had initiated.

These people have deadlines, I suppose they have to write something, but he could have waited for the initial shock to subside and given us something a little more even handed and less quixotic.

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