Thursday, June 05, 2008


Following on from the Rezko post... just a random thought.

The rightwing noise machine is usually all over this kinda stuff, I mean Drudge could definitely get this story moving if he wanted to, put his full force behind the whole 'guilt by association' thing, rev-up the base and the MSM into a frenzy of speculative innuendo until full blown smear status was achieved.

But really, it's been very quiet on the Rezko front, besides the usual koolaid kids who froth at the mouth at the least provocation, which suggests, either there was nothing ever there with regards to Obama, and believe me someone went dumpster diving, or the real filth was always on the Repug side and as we know, no one does 'cover up' quite like the Repugs.

So, was the squeeze in to suppress this story as long as possible? Did the Repugs realize early that the Rezko path lead to the GOP and its dark Lord Rove? Was the whole Obama thing just a head fake to keep prying eyes away from the real prize?

Me thinks so!

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