Thursday, September 11, 2008

Foreign Policy

The good General believes that 'victory' in Iraq is a chimera, no... honestly, read it yourself. He will never declare victory in Iraq!

One word Mr. McCain... Lipstick!

But, just who are we fighting in Iraq and why is the situation so 'fragile'? Juan Cole believes Al Qaeda, or at least the Al Qaeda of 9/11 is finished. Read the whole thing.

To paraphrase Ms. Bankhead in 'Die, Die My Darling'... "Lipstick, Lipstick, go immediately upstairs and wipe that filth from your face!"

Couple the above with Matt Yglesia's post on Kagan The Terrible and you have a pretty good handle on where Republican foreign policy went and continues to go wrong. It's based on the presumtion that all conventional wisdom, all knowledge really, is worth only two grains of salt compared to the might of neocon prejudice.

That neocon foreign policy is merely lipstick on a pig and a stuck pig at that, is irrelevant to them.

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