Thursday, July 26, 2007


Gonzalez has become practically synonomous with lying, so why should his most recent visit to the Hill have been anything different. The difference this time is that documentation exists that immediately refutes his sworn testimony of this week and poses some other interesting dilemas for this most abject of figures.

If, as he has stated for the record and under oath, he was not there to 'discuss' the TSP (Terrorist Surveillance Program) but some other intelligence program, what was that 'other' program. That the evidence suggests he was there to extend the life of the program then he clearly lied. If he was, indeed, there to discuss another program, would that be the same program Ashcroft, Comey and Meuller were willing to resign over because of its inherent illegality?

We know of two programs, the TSP and this other program that the highest law enforcement officials in the land had, under advisement, determined was so illegal that they were willing to resign en-mass before giving countenance to its use.

There may have been a third program or a fourth or fifth, who knows but we are aware, at this time, of only two. One which the FBI and DOJ were still uncomfortable with and the other one that they had deemed completely illegal.

Were Card and Gonzales at Ashcrofts bedside to argue the merits of extending the TSP or were they there to argue the legallity of spying on Americans communicating within the US, without warrants and without just cause.

I can't believe it was the latter... Fredo, you're fried!

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