Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Plus Ca Sea Change...

In this rather depressing summation of the events in Iraq over the last few days is the quote by Gen. Peter Pace about the 'sea change' in the security situation over the last few weeks... it is followed by a litany of explosions, executions, double crosses and mortar infractions into the Green Zone.

That the piece itself is headlined by the news that al Sadr's bloc has returned to parliament seems insignificant and trivial given the content and contradictions of the rest of the article however, al Sadr bloc returning to parliament is a big deal, they are returning for two reasons, i) make al Maliki's life even more miserable than it already is and ii) to block passage of the much vaunted and Bush favorite, oil legislation. The parliament needs a quorum, al Sadr is determined to give them one.

Upon defeat of pretty much all pending legislation al Sadr will return to the weeds laughing his turban off the whole way.

This administration has been so played.

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