Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Bad News

This is too funny...

JIM LEHRER: Yes, yes. Much has been made that the people who could give President Bush bad news, who knew him well enough over many years to look at him straight in the eye and say, "Hey, this isn't working" or whatever, with candor, those people are now gone. Is that true? Can you give the president bad news?

JOSHUA BOLTEN: Sure. I do every day. And I view it as an important part of my job and an important part of everybody serving the president to give him the story straight as we see it. And he accepts that. He accepts that very well.

In fact, on some of the rare occasions in which I've seen him angry are situations in which people have failed to give him their honest counsel or failed to give him the bad news out of fear that it's just unpopular to deliver bad news sometimes. So I don't see that as a problem at this White House, certainly not with this president.

Joshua Bolten is delivering bad news on a daily basis to the preznit who, in turn, delivers daily, good news to the American people. A disconnect? And, just what is that bad news arriving daily at the White House?

Joshua Bolten is a sycophant of the highest order. I watched the whole interview on PBS and during those brief moments where I wasn't being violently and copiously sick, I was crying on god's shoulder.

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