Wednesday, October 03, 2007


With one swift blow we could have ridden ourselves of this global curse we call Al Qaida. If we had kept our focus on the rocky peaks of the Hindu Kush we could have expunged the Taliban from the lexicon of foreign policy nomenclature. With the cooperation of the entire world - or so it appeared at the time - we could have cleaned out the nests of Wahabi extremism and Shariah excess centered in Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. The wind was at our backs and they were on the run, confused, decentralized, incommunicado, a rag-tag spent force seeking somewhere to hide or make a mortal last stand.

So what did the "stupidest f***ing people in the world" do? They diverted their attention and the military to 'target rich' Iraq. I can't think of a bigger target than Bin Laden or Mullah Omar, the true architects of 911 but, the addle brained neocon cabal infesting the White House thought Iraq the true front in the global war on terror.

Now, Al Qaida and the Taliban are back and chasing the Pakistani military out of the Autonomous Tribal Regions and reestablishing themselves as a credible fighting force and agent provocateurs for the counter attack on western culture by their demented bretheren.

This country has lost close to 4,000 men and women, spent close to $6 Billion, killed countless innocent Iraqi's, turned Baghdad into a close approximation of hell, installed a Shiite government with close ties to Iran, set up secret gulags around the world and rendered untold innocents into them, sanctioned torture, spied on it's own people, abandoned long lasting international treaties, mangled the Bill of Rights, ridden rough shod over the Constitution of the United States of America, brought our international standing to it's knees and for what?

Ask that simple question, for what?

We have not been attacked since 911! Our national outrage has been assuaged by the vengeance wrought upon a tin-pot dictator who dared to defy us and his own inadequate realities. We shocked and awed the world and hanged him. We have fought four long years since and look to be mired in this mess for many more. We have created a false front in the GWOT and our army continues to suffer the consequences of being trapped in a country that collectively supports their right to attack them.

We have demolished a tyrant and his country, who had absolutely nothing to do with the tradgedy of September 11th, 2001, whilst the real players have rebuilt, rearmed and reaffirmed their committment to our demise.

How different these last four years could have been for want of a true leader instead we had the swaggering bombast of the Crawford Cowpoke and his merry posse of blithering idiots.

I'm reeeeally pissed!

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