Thursday, December 06, 2007

Just Say... Oh! Alright

The Abstinance Only program, coined, contrived and consummated by this barmy administration, was always doomed to failure. It basically dumbed down a generation and attempted to turned back the clock to a time that never really existed, a Mayberry myth of mostly white, christian teenagers saving themselves for that perfect match. A prom king/queen political tool for bringing Protestant Christian values in to the classroom and into mainstream thinking. Policy as propaganda.

That we are seeing a reversal of the historical downward trend of teen pregnancy rates for the first time since 1991 is evidence enough that we are governed by clueless, incompetent idealogues who's first action is always to dismiss what works and replace it with something so intentionally unreasoned, untested and diabolically stupid that, given an incredible amount of luck and the blessings of the 24%, never, in all reality, had a hope in hell of succeeding.

The Times, in it's never ending attempt at balance, quotes Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation - that Temple of Reasoned Thought - who guillessly responds to the new data thusly;

Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, said that blaming abstinence-only programs was “stupid.”

He then goes on to blame the kids but, god forbid, not the program.

This country really needs to get the god and jesus thing under control, it's really beginning to define us as collectively... silly!

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