Monday, December 31, 2007

The Politics Of Me

Bloomberg, willing to squander millions, ponders an independent run for Preznit to stop all the partizan bickering in DC.

Now, don't get me wrong but, how would an independent canditate be able to bring about reconcilliation between the two main parties? I'm still trying to figure it out, maybe someone could help me here.

If the Democratic party sweeps the election, and all signs point to increased majorities for the Dems in both houses, the roadblocks designed to create stagnation by the Repugs will crumble and our government may, once again, function as the preeminent deliberative body in the world which makes a Bloomberg/Independent run moot.

In fact we will be faced with a very similar situation to the one we have today, a meglomanical, sociopathic corporate enabler at odds with the progressive path America is starting to favor.

Having seen compassionate conservatism in action over the last seven years, the last thing I need to witness is indifferent independence over the next four.

And lastly, do you think America is ready for a gay, jewish president? Now, I might be, along with the rest of the 'coastal elites' but the remainder of the country... not too much!

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