Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Being a New Yorker for eighteen years (12 in NYC), I feel I know Hillary pretty well, I like her, I have seen her in person and witnessed her charm and personal appeal. I understand she inspires myriad emotions across the political spectrum, she is a Clinton and with that name goes that territory. Although I have stated I like her that does not mean I agree with her on policy or philosophy. I am probably much closer to Edwards policywise than I am to Hillary but I like her and was pleased to see her win in New Hampshire.

Her win gives me the opportunity to get to know someone I really haven't paid too much attention to and that is Obama. I've caught bits of his speeches and compared some of his policy proposals with both Edwards and Clinton and as much as I agree that the Democrats have a great field, I have tended to concentrate on Edwards and Clinton. That now, with Hillary's victory in New Hampshire, will change. Now we have ample opportunity to truly here from these candidates and I for one will be watching and listening.

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