Monday, March 10, 2008

Obama - Rezko

For those poor saps still laboring under the delusion that Obama somehow profitted from a land deal he did with Tony Rezko, the facts are startlingly banal.

It appears that Obama bought his home for $300,000.00 less than the original asking price, his agent and the owners agent negotiated the deal, they wanted a quick sale and, although they had received another offer the Obama's offer was accepted. The price was the same as the owners had originally paid for the property.

Rezko purchased the adjacent vacant property the same day, this property had been part of the original parcel but the owner had subdivided and insisted on closing the two deals on the same day.

Obama later purchased a strip of the adjacent property - owned by Rezko - and may have overpaid for that parcel of land but not by much.

In the linked interview Obama rues the appearance of impropriety of that land purchase but the purchase of his own home is beyond reproach, it had little or nothing to do with Rezko.

The whole thing is probably indicative only of a thousand or so such deals transacted everyday in America.

What a scandal!


alwaysright said...

OK, here's how it looks to me. Obama wants to drive himself a bargain--nothing wrong there, American way, all that--he's got a motivated seller who wants to move two parcels. He offers $300K under asking, but brings in the sugar daddy to pick up the other piece. It looks to me like Barry had gotten quite used to being bankrolled by Rezko.

Other than to help out Obama, why did Rezko's wife, who claimed to have no income or assets at the time, buy that property? Would Tony Rezko be as interested in helping out you or me? Or would it be because Obama was an elected official who was in a position to help Rezko?

Don't you see that that is altogether too cozy of a relationship to have with a renowned "fixer"?

Look, I know this kind of thing goes on all the time. It's small-time, local politics. But Obama wants to be PRESIDENT. Somehow, I think we've got to do better than a guy who's fresh off the streets of Chicago, relying on Syrian fixers bankrolled by Iraqi bag men for President.

This will not end well.

righterscramp said...

Yeah, what we need is a frosher straight from that bustling metropolis of Crawford Texas who was/is being bankrolled by the Saudi royal family. 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden was raised in Saudi Arabia, wahabism (Sunni Fundamentalist Jihadis) began in Saudi Arabia.

Syria and Iraq are/were secular arab societies. Not one of the hijackers came from either country.

Saddam and Assad were/are not ideal leaders but we were, in Saddams case and always have been in Syrias case, doing business with them.

You are an hysteric.