Friday, April 11, 2008

"It's Your Baby... Go Do It"

That is Condi Rice, National Security Advisor to the CIA on continuing the 'enhanced interrogation techniques' employed on Al Qaeda 'suspects' or as the rest of the civilized world deems it, TORTURING captives.

How 'quaint' that Cheney, Powell, Rice, Ashcroft and Tenet sat around in the White House discussing the minutae of torture whilst America's reputation in the world was circling the drain.

The 'fun' thing here is that they approved of the torture before DoJ had even provided them with the Yoo justifications. Cheney does love him some retroactive immunity though.

Oh, and about those 108 'evildoers' who died in the process and the hundreds since released without charges... er! Sorry about that.

(h/t) TPM

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