Tuesday, April 08, 2008

McCain and his Pre-Millenial Dispensationalists

Mr. Hagee, currently touring Israel, is suddenly back in the news... seems his 'hate speech' and looney leanings are once again going under the microscope. It's not just that he called the Catholic church '... the great whore of Babylon' and a 'false religion' or 'anti-semitic' or that his professed love of the Jews is just a cover for his 'end of times' Armageddon cultism. No, he is back in the news because he is a complete religious nut who makes Pastor Wright's flock look like a weekly gathering of the neighborhood Glee Club.

This monster, with his 9 million like minded morons and his 2 million strong e-mail list espouses a theosophy so steeped in ignorance, intolerance and sociopathic mendacity it is very easy to forget that he is a supposed man of the cloth.

His friendship with Israel and the Jews is founded upon his cults necessity for Israel to remain a viable state until the return of Jesus Christ and the final showdown between Good and Evil. With Jesus victorious the Jews will, as Anne Coulter suggests, be 'fixed'. Many in the Israeli government and 'Clueless Joe' Lieberman here in the US have glad handed and encouraged these idiots because they send lots of cash to the Holy Land and do all kinds of nice things for the Jews and Israel.

Reverend Wright may have cursed at the USA and it's history of indifference toward minorities and blacks in particular, that can and should be debated but Pastor Hagee and his cult are planning for the end of the world and it has very little to do with American hegemony or American dominance over the planet. Once all the fighting is done at Armageddon and the good christians have all ascended back with old JC, what is left of planet Earth?

They don't say...


alwaysright said...

Y'know, the world is probably going to end some day. I'm pretty sure most Christians beleve in some variation of the end of times when Jesus returns in glory. His particular sect may be a bit more focussed on it. I just hope I go out with a big balance on my American Express.

I don't profess to know a thing about this guy, but if his views and statements as expressed in the Times article are it, the guy is basically a typical Protestant. Of course they have issues with the Catholic Church. Doesn't everybody?

Leftists defame the Church every day in much more hateful terms.

The real point that you can't finesse is that McCain may have pursued an endorsement from this guy, he didn't sit in his church for twenty years and tithe his income to him. With Wright, Obama did.

And you can't just dismiss Wright as a crank. The guy went to Libya with Farrakhan to visit Khaddafi. He claimed from the pulpit that AIDS was invented by the government to kill black men. Stop and think about that one for a minute. Do you think that's the sort of thing that would encourage your typical alienated youth to want to assimilate?

How about Wright's 10,000 square foot house in a gated community? Fat shepherd, skinny sheep...

While you're at it, you might want to look into the preachings of James Meeks, whose position on homosexuality is a few clicks to the right of Ahmadinejad.

The overarching issue here is, just who is Barack Obama? John McCain is just a politician looking for some votes in a pretty conventional way. What's Obama really about? What's with these radical, or sleazy, connections?

righterscramp said...

In the natural course of events the world will end, the sun will go super nova and this little rock will disintegrate into the space dust it originally came from. I, personally, hope JC has nothing to do with it, his name has been put forth and used in many historical atrocities that he would have, most certainly, have been willing to die for, again, to prevent. He should not be blamed for any future atrocity, especially a manufactured Armageddon inspired by a bunch of loonies drunk on KoolAid.

It is because western leaders, Americans, Europeans and more pragmatic Arabs, were willing to visit and engage with Khaddafi that Lybia finally was able to embrace rapproachment with the west and turn from a sponsor of terror and an proliferator of WMD and perhaps nuclear weapons into an ally. You really can't have it both ways, Bush and the right wing noise machine were squealing with joy when Khaddafi relinquished his long sought aims and returned to the world fold. Bush used Lybia on numerous occassions to claim his course of action was legitimate. You're triangulating terribly on this point.

As for leftist attacking organized religion, that's a bit rich. You've been accussing each other of heresy for centuries, it's hardly a bother if a couple of left wing agnostics or atheists says you're all rotten to the core, probably doesn't even register in Rome, Canterbury or Kansas. And our terms are hardly hateful, unless you consider the truth hateful.

As for AIDS, who knows where it came from, monkeys in Africa is still the most likely, but our laboratories have cultured all kinds of crazy stuff over the years and they are not likely to be investigated. I remember when it was called the 'Gay Plague' and bible bashers of every creed were claiming it was the wrath of god brought upon those heathen mary's and their sinful ways, so nobody owns outright the crown on conspiracy theories, bigotry, hate, ignorance, idiocy and misguided belief.

All religious leaders are intolerable hypocrites ergo, agnostics and atheists. American protestants, in particular, being just about the worst in fakery and the best in self wealth creation. What you think Robertson and Hagee are living in caves covered in nothing but ashes and sack cloth?

John McCain is a tainted, pandering, flip-flopping, war-mongering travesty of a man. He would sell his souless heart for a chance to have his fingers playfully hover over the launch codes and that is why him, you and your vaccuous, inane march to armageddon must be stopped.

alwaysright said...

Wright and Farrakhan visited Khadaffi in 1984. Apparently, it took a long time for the rapproachment message to sink in. All kidding aside, I think you Dems should be very careful with this candidate.

You should try to write a post or a comment sometime without immediately resorting to character assassination, name-calling or ad hominem attacks. Try to write about issues.

righterscramp said...

Hmmm! People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

In your Posts and Comments I've witnessed many such ad hominem attacks and name calling episodes.

You have wrongly accused Bill Clinton of pedophilia.

You call Barrack Obama Barry 'Hussein' Obama a direct lift from the RNC campaign to smear Obama as a muslim.

There are many more, those are just recent.

You constantly wallow in innuendo, supposition, gossip and outright mendacity. I understand it is all the Repugs have left, having abandoned any positions that are relevant to 21st Century America, but it is hardly policy.

In fact, Neocon ideology is merely a collection of grievances wrapped up in intellectual mumbo jumbo. That is why every 'policy' directive coming out of this administration over the past seven years is now failing, there was never any substance to any of it or there was never a way to ultimately pay for it, except by selling our souls to China.

Still, the oil companies and the military industrial complex made a killing, both figuratively and literally and that's all that really matters. The rest of us... not so much!

alwaysright said...

Let me tell you what I think. Bush ran on cutting taxes, a prescription drug benefit, and a more "humble" foreign policy. Well, two out of three ain't bad.

The Bush tax cuts were basically good economic policy, particularly the cuts on capital gains and dividends. They really helped save the market, and actually gained revenue.

To be continued... Got to go to bed