Friday, June 08, 2007

Ah! Those Sauds...

Monbiot (Guardian UK) is not a happy camper this morning. The Prince Bandar (ex Saudi super ambassador to the US) British Aero Space (UK Governments Official Arms Dealer) scandal is about to go stratospheric . As TPM says, don't expect this scandal to remain on the other side of the Atlantic. Bandar's reach into the Oval Office and OVP is legendary.

This is how the press is supposed to respond to an administration run amok:

This makes a mockery of successive governments' claims to be supporting democracy around the world, and ensures our security is now entangled with that of the Saudi princes. Al-Qaida's primary complaint is directed against the Saudi monarchy and the western support it receives. Like the war in Iraq, like Blair's support for Israel's invasion of Lebanon and his uneven treatment of Israel and Palestine, this deal helps ensure Britain is a primary target for terrorism: not because our government acted on principle, but because it acted without it. Blair has invoked all the strategic threats from which he claims to defend us.

Close down Deso. Reopen the investigation. Sack the attorney general and the senior civil servants at the Ministry of Defence. Open a public inquiry to determine what Blair knew. Wage war on tax havens and secret offshore accounts. Hold BAE to account. Then lecture the rest of the world on good governance.

G. Monbiot - Guardian UK, 6/8/07

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