Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Partial Brain...

I never knew they called themselves the "Body of Christ" - seems a little pompous - anyway, they're not happy. Religious wingnuts are waking up to two realizations 1) their leadership is a gang of money hungry hypocrites, who have turned their followers demented confusion into a religio/industrial complex generating millions and millions of dollars and 2) the abortionist rabble, all that money is supposed to be spent on defeating, may have actually come out on the winning side in the Partial Birth Abortion Ban SCOTUS decision.

James Dobson, that paragon of virtuous windbaggery, comes in for some serious apoplectic, christianist rage:

"In an open letter to Dobson that was published as a full-page ad May 23 in the Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus on the Family's hometown newspaper, and May 30 in the Washington Times, the heads of five small but vocal groups called the Carhart decision "wicked," and accused Dobson of misleading Christians by applauding it."
Washington Post - 6/4/07

It has taken them so long to figure out they are being used...

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